Mister Evil

I'm actually Pauline Kael.

This is one of those cases where the answer doesn't matter and, indeed, having a definitive answer would actually detract from the experience of the movie- the uncertainty of the question is the whole point.

Neither do I, but I still have to wear pants. The double standard is disgusting, frankly.

As so many people helpfully informed me on the previous DuckTales article this morning, the ducks don't wear pants because ducks are rapists.

It originally began as a series of long-form pieces about the 1995 hit Dustin Hoffman vehicle Outbreak and, well, here we are.

No, it's actually where directors and producers bang young starlets in exchange for potentially giving them film roles but then not giving them film roles. It's a form of sexual extortion.

"How Game Of Thrones filmed a battle that’s never been done for"

Red Hulk with that giant mustache and sunglasses will never not make me laugh. I feel like that's what Tom Cruise sees when he looks in the mirror.

Maybe it's because I'm a human man but I have to say, I've never noticed.

Things may be bad right now, but I don't think we've progressed to quite such a Handmaid's Tale-esque scenario that women wouldn't be "allowed" to revive Lilith Fair. It's just a music festival.

To be fair, the stranger is implicitly a duck. Not exactly nature's most fearsome killing machine.

You mean the "casting couch" isn't where you lay while doctors tend to your broken arm???

It's like Pickle wrote the email.

[Damon Lindelof absently drums his fingers on the cover page of his unproduced Lost spinoff titled How I Met The Others]

But you didn't. Just one more failure to chalk up on the list, I suppose.

Many years ago, I furnished my first apartment with an IKEA futon. The wooden slats that made up the supports snapped within, oh, five days of owning it and for the rest of the futon's tenure in my life, my ass would slowly ooze out the hole created by the missing slats, so every morning I would wake up with my body

Hey, you get an upvote just for mentioning the Malazan series. Those books are a lotta fun.

Hickman himself was actually the first (and, really, only) writer who's gotten me interested in the Fantastic Four on their own. His run is really terrific.

I really loved that one Dothraki dude who just had it in for Bronn specifically for some reason, hunting him all across the battlefield. Knowing Bronn, he'd probably banged the guy's wife.

People underestimate the power of "on time" and "under budget".