Mister Evil

He's perfect and beautiful, just like all of God's creatures.

Tony Stark built it in a cave.


Hey, it's a family show.

"This man has been shot! Can you save him, doctor-officer?"

We are Vladimir Boro…uh…Borrowman and Misha…Washington and we hail from Moscow…Idaho. Yes. Idaho. A fine state with many beautiful potatoes for making of the vodk…for making of the mashed potatoes.

I think it was the first book I ever read that really made me laugh out loud.

Oh, I didn't know about Wolf Among Us getting a second season! I hate the Fables comic, but I really enjoyed that game, so that's good news. Not as good as Tales from the Borderlands 2 would have been, but still.

I dunno, how many married couples do we think operate as two-person teams for Lex Luthor?

It's also worth noting that the book it's based on is wonderful.

On the bus yesterday, I overheard two earnest-looking young men talking about the state of Christianity in the world. One was asserting to the other that, in South Africa, if you're a Christian then they throw your whole family in jail.

I had a Dilbert daily calendar when I was in, like, 7th grade. It was a significant step down from the Far Side daily calendar I had in the 6th grade.

"Local Milk Person" sounds like the job title under one of those Onion man-on-the-street opinion pieces.

Look, I don't usually care to make cracks about someone's appearance, but making fun of someone's weight is a bold move when your own head is increasingly approaching the dimensions of an overinflated basketball.

Mostly thirsting for those sweet sweet "likes" from anonymous internet strangers, all of whom would turn on you in a second for likes of their own. Likes which will never fill the bottomless hole you feel inside, likes that won't make the sun shine brighter or food taste better, or the one that got away give you a

I mean, to be fair, the main thing he's really good at is surviving horrific battles while brutally killing dozens of people with a sword.

Yeah I probably just need to rewatch the scene to recall what he actually said. I may or may not be about 3 beers in by that point on the average Game of Thrones episode.

I find him distinctly unmemorable in the books too, honestly. He talks a big game and has some kinda fucked-up shit to his name, but it's hard to really tell how seriously to take him as a threat. If he's everything he claims, then he's so far over the top in comparison to everyone else magic-powers-wise that it's

Littlefinger's mustache is really getting on my nerves. Either grow it all the way out or shave it off, my man, but keeping it perpetually suspended in this state between existence and non-existence like some kind of Schrodinger's Mustache has got to stop.

I can't look at him and see anything but Jai Courtney playing Captain Boomerang in the Suicide Squad movie.