Boston Matt

and decidedly cheaper.

Tasting Menu
I would've killed to have a seat for that tasting menu the chef's put together for each other.

wait, you mean Amy Madigan is NOT in this?

I don't know Jack.

Great White impression?

Add me to the rabble. I love 13 tales. LOVE it. I like the Dandys, but 13 Tales is the album that blew me away.


the show just sucks. And yet i keep watching it for those fleeting moments of entertainment, which seem so much more rare now than they were in season 2.

AND sweater vests don't care avout AV Club Editors!!!!

congrats mbs. I read it of my own volition, and while i enjoyed much of it, there was just so much it was the only book that had me emotionally defeated by the time i finished it.

wow. i've never even heard of him. Another author added to my mental list… my mission to read everything of any value is a sisyphean task, but dagnabbit, i'm giving it the ol' college try… the 9 months it took me to slog through Don Quixote has really set me back.

I'm afraid to say, that I do love this movie.



If I'd have heard "Lost Supper" one more time, I was going to shot put my far-too-expensive TV out the window.

Is that you, Colin?

Lunar Park worked when it wasn't concentrating on the bland horror aspects… the ways the kids were being raised were incredibly horrific… I couldn't care less about the living doll, I wanted more of the laconic child reering.

indeed she is.

was it just me, or was cox doing a less goofy impression of Tina Fey on 30 Rock?

i started lunar park and thought it was going to be really good, and then it fell apart into what seemed like a Stephen Kind copycat novel… it was at times brilliant, but mostly frustrating.