Boston Matt

Not sure if its a mistake…

I thought it was a great touch that Ben didn't want to go… he wanted more time with his "daughter" and, hey, with rousseau… he never had happiness in his life, maybe purgatory could give him enough to let go.

I honestly think Invisible Monsters is an out and out classic. There's some beautiful stuff in there. I also loved Diary (and his previous stuff) but since Haunted (which i liked some of, but in general I'm not a short fiction fan) I really haven't liked anything he's done.

I'm hoping for Faye Dunaway. Maybe she beat MiB with a wire hanger.

And since we saw Eloise when she was younger (early teens, and then while pregnant with Daniel) i think its safe that she's not the crazy mother, though lord knows what is to come.

In this timeline, he needn't be a physicist, since he had the bomb used already. Now, keeping him into music eliminates the chances that he will bleed into the other world like he might if he recognized a physics problem (if my earlier theory holds).

I should stop listening to the Residents when i write things.

holy typos Batman!

then again… perhaps she shepperded the creation of this universe in order to create an army… "They're coming" Jacob said to Darth Locke at the end of last season.

I had to pause the episode after Eloise tongue-lashes Des because my head nearly exploded with ideas…

Great great episode. What makes it a great origion story is, even though we knew the basic plot step by step, everything happened differently than certainly I expected.

Will she perform a cover of Lemon Incest? Reenact the video?

We won't be fooled so easily Oh Robots of Xenu!

There was a reference to Alexander Haig, which was awsome.


I welcome our new robot overlords.

Once he was cast he was the leader. They left it a bit in the air when casting the role to give them an out if the actor wasn't great (since the leader role was hugely important). Then they say him perform.


Much of the rage agasinst the BSG ending seems to be against the "God did it" ending. Which is rather glib, but it annoys people. But I didn't start watching the show until a few months before the final season, in fact, i wateched the first half of the final season the day of the final premier…