Boston Matt

In the first season, when Locke tells Walt about backgammon, he specifically states that its an ancient game that goes back for thousands of years (i can't remember if he says to Egypt, but he might have). Maybe the island is JAcob and "Esau's" backgammon set.

the statue was holding an ankh, and sobek is traditionally depicted holding an ankh.

Do you have any milk?

I don't care.

Ah, Gervais…
"The self-deprecating Gervais will voice a purple, pudgy, sweaty alien. "

Hey! If I could go back in time and not fuck that pig, I would. But this isn't that Michael J. Fox movie, Doc Beverly Hills, and I can't do that.

I love HErzog's films, warts and all, and this one took my breathe away unlike anything else he's done (save for the opening and closing shots of Aguirre). This was perfection.

Akiva may have a future as a director… he contruscted some outstanding shots and held that creepy mood really well. I was pretty impressed… this episode was definately one of the highlights of the season, and i've been an unabashed fan of the show since the premier.

if i knew ramsey from only his US shows, i would hate him. But the british KN shows him in such a better light. It shows how much he cares about these places and the food. Its a much better show than the american version and shows that Ramsey is not a cartoon character.

I started watching again with the episode Clooney showed up in. I hadn't watched in, maybe, 10 years. I think the last episode i saw before the Clooney one was Nurse Hathaway's (i can't spell her real last name) final episode. And yeah, I was amazed how quickly i fell back into the rythem of it. No, I didn't

as the spawn of a canadien… some are texahedrons.

hated this episode for the most part… i can't stand "fart humor" and i'm just going to lump queefing in with that… but Cartman getting into the "I'm not your buddy pal! argument on the phone was great.

You got the wrong Harvard… its Harvard on the Highway that's going all the way. Northern Essex Community College BABY!

"A lot of guys do that."

Mr. Freeze does not realize that SCTV was referencing Chinatown.

This is a real show? I just thought it was one of Amelie's opium fantasies.

i didn't notice it, but yeah… she used to fly a raptor… it would probably feel wrong to fly it without it in her ear.

wow. that may be the years best firstie. Not that theirs much competition?

If i had my way, i would throw this movie down a well. A creepy well, not a happy goonie's well.

Hey! Where's Poochie?