Old Dirty Bathtub

Also, the twists in O. Henry stories tend to be broad, predictable, and formulaic. Much like sitcom plot twists.

That's really the best thing about the original, though. It isn't blindly following genre expectations and it isn't deliberately flouting them to be edgy; it is obvious that the filmmakers were just feeling there way along as they made the film.

sorry I'm late…
Did anyone mention that Rolling Stone gave this album five stars?

Gold medal winning boxer Joel Casamayor?

70mm? I'm not a creepy gun nut or nothin', but don't grenade launchers usually clock in at about 30-40mm? A 70mm grenade would be almost twice the size of a round for the M203. 70mm sounds like mortar territory to me…

Playing Halo for the story is like buying Playboy for the articles.

When you see a fat naked guy fall down a flight of stairs and land on a cart of custard pies, it kind of makes you forget to make a joke about the guy wearing mismatched socks.

I'm not sure, but I think that may be where Shamwow Vince nests when he's not making commercials.

Now that's the unique brand of insightful commentary and wry humor that keeps me coming back. Good work, fellows!


Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature.

A man who stole his screen name from Shelley is flopping around on his belly.

Vampire's Kiss. Nicholas Cage gets a lifetime pass for a level of scenery-chewing that few actors could possibly pull off. And that was the only thing that made this movie work.

I think it is a pretty good match for anything in the Jim Steinman oeuvre..

Do you remember Jordy? "Dur dur d'etre bebe!" is about due for a critical reappraisal.

Yeah, and when some cherished old entertainer on the downward slope of his or her career does pass, I recommend going to the obit thread and posting "Who?" (preferably as a firsty).

Fritzy, did you mean 8====D~~~~ ?

Yeah, if you have even minor class warrior issues you need to give these shows a wide berth. I have to grit my teeth to make it through the 30 second promos.

Funkadelic, though, is a different story.

I came for the heat stroke, but I stayed for the date rape.