
Maybe it has just been my experience, but the people who brag the most are those who are desperately seeking something (recognition, positive reinforcement, love) to make them happy. I knew a guy who couldn't so talking about his "six-figure salary" and who needed everyone to be impressed by that.

Thanks for highlighting this in the Mike Judge piece. What a douche. He strikes me as profoundly unhappy - yeah, he has money and women… but why does he keep talking about them? You'd think if he were happy he wouldn't have to keep bringing it up. Cry little clown, cry.

What about Mark Wahlburg in that movie… Shooter?

Your mom has a cornerback.

DC Metro is clean but because of DC people I still want to shower after riding the Metro.

A-? How is Notre Dame?

Really? REALLY?
I'll agree to letting Zombie make another movie as soon as Michael Cimino is given another chance. And also, everyone between Zombie and Cimino is given another chance. After all that, then Hollywood should give this hack more work.

The northern lights are special partially because they happen so infrequently.

I don't care what anyone says, that movie was a shitload of fun… way more than 90% of the summer blockbusters I've sat through.

Now ladies, (yeah) what's cooler than being cool?

You're on the wrong side!
No wonder they crashed!

…what's in the box!

Except it was by the douche who didn't like the fact that District 9 was "anti-corporate." Slate is all about being contrarian which means about 40% of the time it is retarded.

TheHeap: Pivoted? Not really. But, you're referring to UHF.

Thanks, GB
This is just more fallout from Glenn Beck's idiotic 912 campaign.

So the roads you drive on to work, the telephone/cable lines that carry your internet messages… you would gladly pay someone directly to create and provide these for you?

Hi, Burl!

Yeah, her comments about Knocked Up made sense until I saw everything else she starred in. Then I realized: it is not because she actually finds these films sexist, it is because 1) the focus of the film is not on her or 2) she is not a major character. Therefore, it is an ego thing, not a principled stand.

Oh Garfield, you wife-beating drunk!

Can you define what services the government "shouldn't be offering" that the "free market" should? And vice versa?