
Re: Macs: Yes, it is Mac-friendly… so long as you have a new Mac. It is Intel only (likely because they made it on PC and ported it). If you're like me and stuck with a G4 (or G5), you are SOL on this great game. For shame, PopCap!

There is an Apple II console thing online.

Jorge: excellent Family Guy reference (from the early, funny years)

Wait, is GH really? Kurt, what the hell are you doing, man?

I was going to write just to post that. Amelie, your hate is only 14 Years too late!

I am glad someone referenced the punch & pie joke from South Park: BL&U

Grim - you have never seen Kentucky Friend Movie.

I believe it was called "Walken in LA" and it is in one of the Onion books.

Perfect Tommy - I know who you are! Don't worry, Blue Blaze Regulars don't ever forget Perfect Tommy.

Bay may be gay. Scarlett Johansson wanted to do a topless scene for The Island (women don't sleep in bras, she said), but Bay refused because he wanted to ensure a PG-13 movie. Wouldn't any straight man say "Good idea!" CGI in that bra later if you have to.

It's fantastic. Any chance you could call him back for his take on it?

(you've got the wrong Wilson brother)

This kid reminds me of two twins I went to school with as a kid. One played piano, the other violin and their parents trotted them out at every available opportunity to show us how brilliant they were…

Chuck Norris' career is so strong he has to do infomercials on late night TV!

I shouldn't have watched that clip but… there literally is only one joke (the vomit joke). The rest is shots of him telling jokes with Beck doing a voice-over so that you can't hear the jokes. It would be a bit like having a sweet Monster Truck rally coming to your town and the promo is guys standing next to

Or just a professional trying to ask someone about their judaism and his grandparents holocaust experience. Yeah, she should have been more receptive to his sexual harassment.

I'm with you C.H.O.M.P.S. They could play the theme to Tron and Babylon 5.

The man was Superman and the rock was kryptonite.

The backpack was supposed to be a parachute.

Don't forget spousal abuse.