
They'd get boring after a while I think they use them just the right amount. They are a couple of boobs (haha) for comic effect.

"women shouldn't have to suffer because he has issues he wants to fix through them."

I didn't say anything about the dead needing Winterfell. I said that the North needs to be united in order to fight the dead and that whoever holds Winterfell holds the North. And what that means is whoever holds Winterfell is warden of the North and the houses loyal to Winterfell will fight WITH Winterfell against

Yeah it is they've mentioned several times a season that whoever controls Winterfell controls the North. In order the get everyone on board with fighting the dead you need someone everyone will listen to. If you don't have that you then have to make a decision to either let those that are not with your plan die a

So I guess the reviewer forgot about the army of the dead on its way to kill the living. He must have or else the bastards battle would have had the weight of that reality as part of what made the battle necessary and crucial. I suppose Jon could have mentioned it in the parlay but do you think that would have made

Well his Uncle Kevan Lannister is hand of the King so he would probably rule until things are sorted out.

She could have her grandmother stop sending food to Kings Landing from Highgarden. Hungry people get real angry, they get hangry!

They also bring people back from the dead in a variety of ways. There are quick acting poisons and just as quick acting remedies, magic necklaces that glamour people into seeing old women as young, a dreaded disease that turns your skin to scales and turns you mad except for a little girl whose family found a cure to

There are portkeys hidden all over.

Yeah but she saw the shadow with Stannis' face kill Renly. In her eyes Stannis is a murderer of a king, she hated Stannis because she was in love with Renly. Can't understand a scenario where she would let him live unless overwhelming mercy suddenly came over her and she dropped her sword and walked away.

I totally thought of Scientology watching the scene of Margery and Olenna talking with the angry nun in the background.

Ahhhhh yes. The discussion about Marg not putting out for Tommen tells her that Tommen is reporting everything to the Sparrow, I didn't think of that.

Maybe she was trying to get him to consider that she doesn't have a dick but can still please a woman. So why be glum, use your tongue.

Why would Brienne tell people at Castle Black that she killed him then?

Wondering what others make of the fact that the High Sparrow warned Margery that he had his eye on the Queen of Thorns. It was a generous action for him to make, so why did he do it? He already has Margery, or so he thinks. Why court her favor more?

Valar morghulis

Arya knows they will send someone after her, she knows a face is owed the many faced god. You expected her to NOT have some kind of plan to survive? She has been through far more than the waif. Arya has had some expert training in surviving and watched cunning individuals work their skills on unsuspecting people.

I've found it to be satisfying. It is a redemption story and interesting if you consider that the Lannisters have not changed one bit since you first saw them on screen. They are the same assholes they always were.

Totally agree with you. The look on Jaquen's face at the end talking to the waif told it all to me. Arya has been honest all the way. She tried. She gave it her best but in the end she's just not cut out for it. I guess you could say her motives were "pure". But the waif is just fucking competitive and full of blood

I look at it more like rooting for the redemption of the Hound and the reveal of what we saw glimpses of in his good treatment of Sansa. The guy has a heart. Where the Mountain always seemed like some sort of horrible beast which he actually is at this point, something not human.