
If you consider that there aren't any slaves in Westeros and that when she left she was so young she probably had no concept of who or how many were poor, then I wouldn't expect her to say anything about liberation as everyone in Westeros is free.

Not my problem if you can't handle that perspective. That is how it feels to be absent from movies that portray the future, that your community is extinct.

So one sci fi TV show had a Black woman on it and you think everything is cool?

It might not technically be racist but to just assume your demo wouldn't watch Black shows does suggest a certain dismissal of anything out of the norm of all White programming.

Why not? Starks got jumped at the Red Wedding by the Frey's, that violated that medieval rule about not ambushing a guest invited to your home. (or something like that) It's more likely that there are northern houses angry at the Frey's and waiting the chance to express that anger.

Don't be silly, she's dead.

Well they went North after Jon Arryn died to get Ned to be Robert's hand not to war on the North.

I was reminded about Littlefinger's last trip to King's Landing and his meeting with Cersi. During that meeting he told Cersi that Sansa was at Winterfell and going to be married to Ramsay. This pissed off Cersi because Tywin had made Roose warden of the North and taking up with Sansa was a slap in the face to the

Probably also easier song choices for Maddonna's vocal range.

Didn't say they were. But that one was to me.

Harsh or not him climbing the tower and becoming crippled kicked off the major events I listed. The point is he disobeys he was somewhere he shouldn't have been. He did it then at Winterfell and he did it in the cave by journeying by himself without 3ER. Both times the results were catastrophic.

Yeah remember at Hardhome a WW came through the burning ceiling and walked through the fire. It's dragon glass or Valyrian steel that kills WW.

It could all be a dream Ned has before he takes off for Kings Landing which has him decline Robert's offer to be hand of the king.

As jeanmarie stated below he also caused a war by climbing the tower at Winterfell after being told not to and being pushed out the the window by Jaime Lannister, which kicked off an assassination attempt on Bran's life which led to Tyrion being captured by Catelyn Stark which led war which led to Rob becoming king of

Yeah Bran is two for two with his disobedience creating disastrous monumental life circumstances.

Like ISIS or Al Quaeda?

But Davos doesn't know the North. The reason the North did not stand up for Winterfell was because there was no Stark at Winterfell. Theon was at Winterfell and had betrayed the Starks and as far as anyone knew had killed Bran and Rickon. So why would the North help Theon?

Speak for yourself. Naked dongs are fine by me. And showing women naked more often totally is exploitation. Don't know why you hate the male body so much but both forms are beautiful and people need to grow the fuck up where male nudity is concerned.

Interesting that it's only now that anyone is considering a grown man repeating the same word over and over is a tragedy. Pretty much always was sad.

No. Not saying that. Just stating that she needed still stubbornly had stars in her eyes even after her experiences with Joffrey. Those experiences didn't shake the girlish foolishness out of her. She still needed to grow up. I'm not going to speculate how that could have come about through the story telling.