
That's kind of what I was thinking and why I thought she may be at Winterfell already on the down low. I just figure due to her training she's not going to just saunter up to the gates and announce she's home. She's all about the stealth now right?

That's not how they cast a part that important, you just ain't feelin Emilia. Oh well. Sucks for you.

The absence of Arya in the episode has me wondering if she already is at Winterfell spying out the situation before she makes herself known.

We never found out why the army of the dead walked right past Samwell without seeing or attacking him.

I've never seen a problem with Clarke, I find her pitch perfect for her character. I know there are people like yourself that feel she's not good, but then I've also read that people think Turner is terrible.

She's also his wife, or she was, not sure how that works.

Didn't Stannis lose his ships in the Battle of Blackwater?

I was wondering why she was heading to Kings Landing when she is closer to Winterfell and could go see Jon and Sansa.

So go comment on some show you like and leave us in peace to enjoy discussing this one.

I don't think Sansa wants power like that, I think she wants her family back and I think she wants to torture Littlefinger for giving her to Ramsay.

I saw that too. Noticed it immediately.

Not really, they had a battle plan that hinged on having Ramsay's army make the first move. Ramsay needed to come at them for their plan to work, that was their only chance with their reduced numbers, to have the battle come to them. When Jon went after Rickon his troops started to follow and they took the battle to

If Jon is not smart enough to know when he's being bated then it's likely he would understand when someone pointed it out to him. There is a long list of things Sansa could say about Ramsay and they would be useless unless Jon went over all his thoughts about Ramsay with Sansa. Without knowing Jon's thoughts Sansa

Also she was careful to not let the innocent girl take the drink of wine. She is trying to keep her kills to those people she seeks vengeance against and not have any collateral damage.

Hold on there, telling Jon not to underestimate Ramsay was great advice. I guess you have forgotten the look on Jon's face as what was left of his troops got surrounded by Ramsay's army. I guess you also forgot that allowing himself to be baited by Ramsay releasing Rickon was the first step in putting his army in the

I think Todrick was intimidated. He didn't want to judge the queens, he's friends with many of the former contestants and not being a queen himself, I think he was supremely uncomfortable. So why did he take the job? Because he loves Ru and Ru asked him to.

I've been hoping for a Shea and Shasha dual win since their first challenge together. I love them as a team.

What is the sob story they wanted from Pearl? I don't know anything personal shit about her.

Have to say I was kind of hoping this season would be the first with a tie. I wanted to see Shea and Shasha win because I love how they worked together this season. They are so different and they complement each other. I wanted to see more of them and them reigning as queen together would be fun to watch.

i liked it. Thanks for doing it this way.