
That's more along the lines of what I was thinking.

I'm wondering if they are just playing good cop bad cop in order to push Arya into seeing for herself that she is not meant to be there. I think they know she wasn't never meant to be Faceless but that she needed to learn discipline and how to kill properly. I noticed her reactions to the play but I also realized that

But Sansa's experience with Joffrey didn't change her. She still wanted to marry Lora's and have her happily ever after life. She hadn't learned much by the time Joffrey married Margery. Her experiences with Littlefinger and Ramsay turned her into the woman that she is now. Ready to be independent of male rule and

Well, if you consider the fact that Bran disobeyed an order to do no more climbing but then was pushed from a window by Jaime Lannister and there was the attempt on Bran's life with that Valaryian steel blade that Littlefinger told Cat belonged to Tyrion that started a bit of a skirmish…then he's responsible for a lot

A Midsummer Nights Head

How could Varys not believe in magic after having his dick lopped off and thrown into fire then hearing a voice emerge from the flames? He heard a voice from the flames. That is not part of everyday ordinary life.

Well let's get rid of all the Black people on TV and replace them with Asians?

In her case her problems stem from her mental health issues. She is not a shit bag of a human being and she's not a racist.

Ramsay? Littlefinger?

Yes and this is one of the negative stereotypes that I've always hated about women, that they are manipulative and scheming. Well what the fuck do you expect? They can't physically beat someones ass, they aren't invited into the halls of power, so they play to their only recourse. Be nice if one day most of us could

Bunches of them, in his arms. You got me laughing son.

Ooooooo snap!

smiley face.

So you don't think racism has effected her? You don't think she's aware of it? It seems obvious that is has effected her and that she is paranoid because of it. REALLY paranoid as well as mentally ill in other ways.

If she dies then she can go back to Elementary.

Is it possible that Olenna might let her army in and stand with the militant against the Lannisters? She could at least free Marg and perhaps Loras joins the faith? But if Tommen gets killed what happens? Does Marg get to sit the throne?

If you consider that the "Rains Of Castamere" was playing during that scene then I'm pretty sure something is gonna go south. Like some heads from their necks?

Anyone notice the "Rains Of Castamere" music playing while Cersei and Jaime were talking to the Queen of Thorns and Uncle Lannister in the small council room?

It was Littlefinger that got the plan changed to beheading Ned.

I've come over here from the experts review. I'm finding that in general you are all less reactive than the viewers over there and I'm tired of all the over the top nit picking. I also appreciate the reviewers take here and think that even though I've read the books I'll stay over here for the remainder.