
The Bolton's have always been Northmen too no?

As far as Sansa and Theon jumping goes there was a lot of snow out there and I figured they chose to jump at a point where the drifts were high up on the wall. They could have had 2 or 3 feet (or more) of drift that would have cushioned their fall.

There is a video on youtube that replays all the scenes between Tywin and Tyrion where Tywin makes remarks that could indicate that he had doubts about Tyrion being his son but raised him as a Lannister anyway.

No shooting does not occur the same week the episode airs. You are wrong about that.

No you are wrong. They do not do constant reshoots. They do get script changes but those changes occur within the days they are shooting each episode. Every project gets mulitcolored scripts. Every tv show every movie gets rewrites. At least every project I've worked on in my 27years in film and tv.

She has directed a few Sandal episodes too. She is a really good director and I hope she soon gets her hands on a movie.

This is the kind of discussion I like to see. Thank you anima and kendall.

I agree. Thanks for saying that.

It took her a long time to fix Meredith Grey so it won't be any time soon for Olivia.

Unfortunately I don't think that viewers very often pick up on the kind of thing you are talking about here. To me it seems Shonda tries to make commentary about women's issues, Black issues, political issues, issues concerning power etc. all throughout her show. She is basically, to me, trying to wake people up to

Wrong about the chair. It's made of aluminum. So it was just bad directing and camera angle.

As someone who has had a family member commit suicide I feel that there is no other individual responsible for committing that act other than the individual themselves. Olivia is not responsible for that man killing himself. That man killing himself shows that he was mentally screwed up. You don't just decide one day

Totally. No question. Especially in college or in this case grad school.

Once again thank you.

Well I don't hate Liz. Liz is doing her thing and I'm all right with that. It is what it is.

Well I'm still enjoying it and this episode is obviously just vamping until the big big big event near the season finale. I don't know what it is but I hear it's huge. Guess most of you will only be reading about it.

Thanks for that Dave. It is still a bit puzzling because I did read books 1-4 and thought I remembered Tyrion not believing in the existence of dragons. But I guess I was wrong.

How is it that Tyrion knows how to train them?

Who were the two chicks that were kissing near the end?

They are but you don't sound intelligent enough to understand them.