
A movie is STORY contained within a script.

I've seen it happen in real life a few times particularly in college. Girl A gets with girl B they start having a relationship even though girl A has never been gay or thought about women before and girl B is totally into girls. Girl A freaks out because she can't handle the idea of being gay and doesn't want to be

There have been excellent movies where the design was a distant second or third or fourth to the story told. And the story was what people talked about not the set design. I work in film. I work in the Art Department (prod design) and I say this.

I work in the Art Dept for film and TV and as far as Fury Road goes it did not deserve that award. Other than the natural landscape most of it was computer. Those of us that have been working in the Art Dept since before computer designed sets prefer to have real standing sets and set design win the awards because,

Fury Road didn't insult your intelligence? Really? Honest question.

Well it depends on what kind of filmmaking you are talking about. Fury Road is one kind of film, the kind that relies on effects and is at least 50% about the effects. It's a popcorn rollercoaster entertainment movie. Then there is the other kind of film that wants to tell a story and show something about life and

Wonder how much you got paid to say you think Mad Max should win best picture? I guess Hollywood needs to convince people that action pictures and super hero movies deserve more recognition so that they can get more into the Oscar categories so the Oscars can remain relevant. Otherwise it's always going to be a bunch

When I watch this show this is what I see, I see what goes on in real life reflected on screen. Not all the senseless assassinations but the political machinations. In real life I believe that some of the shootings that have occurred were happenings dictated by shadow government. When George Bush was in office the

Torture porn eh? Imagine how actual slaves felt experiencing it. That was one of the points of the movie. So sorry it upset you here in the 21 century.

Here is a spoiler so don't read any further if you don't want to be spoiled.

I felt that Tawney being called in to talk to Sheriff Daggett gave her a taste of what it is like for Daniel to be trapped in that system. She was afraid to go in to be interviewed and you could see the stress on her face. That experience and her need to recall and in a way relive the day she picked Daniel up in

I think it makes sense to say that Holly, that's the dead girl's name right?, was banged up after being raped by multiple guys and possibly on the verge of death. At the very least suffering and in deep despair. Maybe she asked Daniel to release her and he obliged.

Did I use the word heroic anywhere in what I wrote?

I think Alex will stab Piper in the back again. I don't think the circle has closed yet. Alex was so distraught at being back in prison it actually surprised me that she was melting down like that. Now that she knows Piper was to blame I think at some point she will get back at Piper, then they will be forever hating

Well that depends on what you believe to be sanity. If you think that he should stay with that situation after seeing Cesar pull a gun on a kid that didn't want to eat french fries then yeah, he's a little bitch.

Well they needed Jaime to be somewhere and since he wasn't going to follow the book storyline of going to Riverrun they needed something right?

You came here and read this article about this guy killing himself and this is your response?

Yes it was talked about that the Others would come with the increasing darkness and the cold of winter.

So they wouldn't get out of frame too quickly before ice king rose up the dead?
