
If the dead are filled with a lot of holes I don't see them doing very well in water.

You called what Dani went through Stockholm Syndrome, my comment of "I don't know what you people are watching" had to do with that. Dany did not display SS. If you watch again you will see Dany go to one of her hand maids and start asking her questions about making love to a man. There is even a scene of Dani and her

I see it more as she is a Targaryen and truly the rightful heir to the throne. The wheel started when her father was killed by Jaime and has been spinning ever since. She is the only one that can stop the wheel, if the people are willing to accept her as their queen. Otherwise the wheel will stop spinning only as long

That thought crossed my mind as well.

Enough time with Dani and Tyrion will be cross training and eating vegan.

I noticed that too and expected that it was a Walker and that it would jump up and start killing everyone. Then nothing happened, just the close up on Jon face realizing how screwed they are. Maybe it's Benjen?

I think he did put a candle in the tower long enough for it to be seen. Then he goes and tells Ramsay about the plot and leaves everything to play out as it will. He cements the illusion of his loyalty to Ramsay because it is valuable and can continue to be used. When he was alone with Sansa he stressed that she

Bravo. Well said.

Btw I'm curious, if many of you strongly effected by Sansa's rape and are considering not watching the show any longer, have been involved in the debates and discussions that have taken place regarding real rape cases in the news? The Stubenville case, Jameis Winston,, Bill Cosby case and others most recently.

It's interesting, this Sansa storyline has made me think about
another fictional character who received a lot of torture in a TV
series, Tara in True Blood.

He can be manipulated that naked chick, Myranda, manipulated him. He even said she's his favorite because she knows how not to bore him. That's manipulation.

Let's not forget that Sansa wanted to push Joffrey off of that plank when they were up in the battlements looking at her father's head on a pike. I remember the look she had on her face, murderous. I've never forgotten it and so I have been waiting for her to fulfill the promise of that expression. People are complex

I really don't know what you people were watching. All I can say is that many of you must be strangers to being in bad situations and have no understanding what it takes to navigate them.

Except if you listened to what he just told Cersei it looks like his plan is to let Stannis rid him of the Bolton's and have himself installed as Warden of the North. If Sansa survives the battle then he will marry her, remember the North will be more cooperative if a Stark is at Winterfell by his side. Don't forget,

Just have to interject, dude Sansa had nothing to do with her father's death. Ned got killed because he refused to keep his mouth shut. He was an honorable man and his honor would not let him ignore the fact that Cersei's children were products of incest, so he told Cersei what he knew. Then Littlefinger made sure

Well we don't know yet how the rape is going to play out for the growth of Sansa'a character or if it will. I tend to watch and see rather than just jump one way or the other. We are now in somewhat uncharted territory.

In the books rape hardly occurs compared to how often it probably happened in a time period like that. Martin has actually been very gentle with us in that regard. Reading Arya's POV once she left King's Landing and until she reached Braavos I expected her to get raped. In the books she is only around what, 12,13

Well they have fit her into Jayne Poole's storyline and the little bit of talking she and Ramsay did before he ripped her gown was about her marriage to Tyrion and how he never touched her. The fact they never had sex is what made her available to marry Ramsay otherwise she would still be Tyrion's wife. In order to

Now that they have had Sherlock relapse they won't be able to go there again. Maybe this is Reichenbach Falls with Oscar grabbing Sherlock by the lapels and pulling him into descent. I have known addicts, I even dated one off and on for a number of years. Sometimes the reason they relapse doesn't make any sense to the