Burt Macklin FBI

So much to hate about this episode.

That's the version where she drives around all day, listening to raps and shooting all the jobs.

If Rachel doesn't get into NYADA (and in what universe does Glee have the emotional integrity to even try that at this point), she could super easy pack her crap for Chicago and get involved in any of dozens of theater groups there while covering the bills as a waitress. At times I think 20% of that city is

Former head cheerleader. If we're to take the show at face value, an icon like Sue Sylvester likely carries some weight among college admissions offices. But why on earth would Sue write Quinn a letter of recommendation at this point?

Not true that Harvard and Yale are the only worthwhile colleges in TV. Occassionally, someone will dream of going to Princeton.

Could have at least had Puck grow more and more pale as the episode progressed as he takes to heart the question What Would Michael Do?

C'mon Danny, gotta get that heart rate down buddy.

We saw an episode on Bavaria, so obviously he's stretching beyond US states and national flags. There was a whiteboard with potential show topics in his office with Raj at one point. Other than that, I'm not falling for your troll bait.

That shape is called a burgee, and I'm a bit surprised Sheldon didn't mention that fact.

I see what you did there.

Sarcasm quotes are gay.

That it was Settlers made it less funny for me. These guys have most likely played Settlers of Catan for years, so there should be no novelty to being asked about wood. They've all done it dozens of times. Even worse was the gameplay. Sheldon rolls and draws one card, with the other guys taking nothing. That just

I only caught the last ten minutes of Modern Family (the first I've seen of the show in over a year). I was operating under the assumption that their f-word wasn't THE f-word, but the other one. The one that would describe her parents.

Marry Alison. I could make my friends call me Pete Campbell, which would probably be fun.
Bang Lizzy. You saw her in this episode on the couch wearing a Cosby sweater and kneesocks and don't need me to convince you any further.
Kill Zooey. There are few things that can boost a musician's credibility more than dying

He's biracial, his name is David, and he's a human being.

And fucking magnets, how do they work?

My favorite recent team name was Disinterested Fingerbang. Worst was this past wek when three separate teams all trotted out the same lame attempt at a Jay-Z Has 100 Problems joke.

Third base being described as getting "rotary dialed"  was especially enjoyable.

I like how the scene opened with them standing still for no reason in the middle of a mall, then they start walking so that Nickxsposition can ask his question. Do editors have their own Emmy reels?

That drove me mad. Nick clearly had a working cell phone, as did Winston. Hell, they both take calls FROM THE SAME PERSON during the locked-on-balcony period. Completely lazy plotting/writing.