Burt Macklin FBI

I went into a bar and ordered a beer. The bartender just stood there looking at me, like he required more information than that.

You live underwater? That must be so cool.

I did dig that the son was blond (and wearing a suit) while the daughter was dark-haired. Also, did anybody scope the credits? Were the kids in this episode the same actors who play Ted's kids?

When I watched this episode, I was disappointed in it. After reading your review, I'm wishing I hadn't already deleted it from the DVR. I'm also wondering how much of the situation was the idea of Robin wanting kids versus the idea of Robin wanting Barney's kids.

I always prefer when the sandwich joke comes up without any resort to incredibly broad intimations that sandwich = weed.

Jane Krakowski in the red dress singing The Christmas Song renewed my faith in the power of Cialis. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go buy a new hand towel.

"You know what? Chinese kids will let you play kickball with them."

On the straight guys tangent, I've skipped most of this season. Can anyone tell me what's the deal with the girl in the pink tights? I'm intrigued with her potential as a character. Because, pink tights.

No mention of the soap dispensing ladle? Or Winston's envelope hat? Are we even watching the same show?

Another dark fanfic ending…

Anal. 100% effective.

Mentee is not a word, and I will continue to fight so that it doesn't become one. It's a mentor/protegee relationship, please.

Interesting story… VH didn't care about the color of their M&Ms. They did care that the details of their rider were properly executed in areas such as scaffolding strength, generator capacity, and safety procedures. The M&M thing was a way for the band to tell immediately whether the promoter had paid attention to the

Possibly the only time I ever heard Cosby cuss, and it's brilliant.

What happened to the pizza? Was it good? Did it have sausage on it? How about mushrooms? Some places have trouble with deep dish, and the cheese doesn't melt right. I hope you didn't have that problem.

Abed's monologue at the end was phenomenal. If that were the final scene of Community, I would say that we had a satisfying conclusion.

Tonight was only the third time I've masturbated while watching Jeff Goldblum.

I giggle every time I see that you've liked one of my posts.

Kinda wondered why Ron was attending all these classes, but after seeing the Women's Studies teacher, I almost understand. Find out her stance on breakfast meats, and I'll totally understand.

DVRed it for the first time in a month. Before the open was over, we'd had jokes about comic readers 1) living in their parents' basement, 2) being overweight, and 3) not getting laid.