Burt Macklin FBI

Hershey. The chocolate of children. And hookers. And children of hookers. Put it in your damn mouth.

Joan whored herself out to land Jaguar and has to live with the disdain from her colleagues for that for the rest of her days. Fer crying out loud, Harry thinks he's better than her. Harry!
Then Don pisses away the entire account because he can't sit through dinner with the same dude fully clothed. Joan had plenty of

The Draper home was in Ossining, the Francis estate is in Rye; both New York.

She tried moving to another agency last year. Still she ends up standing in Don's office.

This season alone he single-handedly cost them Jaguar, Ocean Spray, and Hersey. When was the last time he won an account without burning political capital in teh building? Chevy was apparently Gleason's creative work, Sunkist burned bridges with Cutler and Ted. His pitch for Royal Hawaiian was crap, and the ketchup

Recently saw saome reruns, and now will freely use the phrase "Totally different head, man. Totally." in everyday conversation.

You know how every wedding episode of every sitcom has something go wacky wrong? You know how ever single one of those episodes sucks. Every.single. one.

She's got them thhaaa…

Julie Hagerty, still doable.

Julie Hagerty, still doable.

Barney has been known to work a Long Con, and HIMYM is essentially a Long Con. I'm convinced that there's a page in The Playbook called "Burning The Playbook."

Barney has been known to work a Long Con, and HIMYM is essentially a Long Con. I'm convinced that there's a page in The Playbook called "Burning The Playbook."

Any episode that contains a Crazy From The Heat reference can score no less than a B+.

Any episode that contains a Crazy From The Heat reference can score no less than a B+.

Hoping somebody sees this…

Furthermore, mildly interested in being Donna's man slave.

Furthermore, mildly interested in being Donna's man slave.

Northwestern University isn't north or west of anything.

Northwestern University isn't north or west of anything.

There's been a lot of talk about the Sorkin Big Speech, and rightly so as his last show was historically awful and his current one seems to be built entirely of podiums. But the thing about Sports Night is that when it initially aired, there was no such thing at the Big Speech. Hadn't been done before. We see it now