Burt Macklin FBI

There's been a lot of talk about the Sorkin Big Speech, and rightly so as his last show was historically awful and his current one seems to be built entirely of podiums. But the thing about Sports Night is that when it initially aired, there was no such thing at the Big Speech. Hadn't been done before. We see it now



It bothers me that CSC is showing MLS highlights on November 23. The season's been over for a month at this point (MLS Cup was October 25).

It bothers me that CSC is showing MLS highlights on November 23. The season's been over for a month at this point (MLS Cup was October 25).

Surprised the Joan Rivers tolerability issue isn't her appearance in that energy shot commercial. Thirty seconds of incomprehensible WTF that I'm stuck watching because I prefer my European soccer to be live. It's timed to make me think they're trying to be funny but there isn't even anything shaped like a joke in it.

Surprised the Joan Rivers tolerability issue isn't her appearance in that energy shot commercial. Thirty seconds of incomprehensible WTF that I'm stuck watching because I prefer my European soccer to be live. It's timed to make me think they're trying to be funny but there isn't even anything shaped like a joke in it.

… which is now severely dented, thanks to the fart-lighting trogolodytes from up north.

… which is now severely dented, thanks to the fart-lighting trogolodytes from up north.

The unnamed team was the San Jose Clash. I've used this as a trick question myself, since even solid MLS supporters are likely to forget the timeframe and answer Earthquakes. They, of course, are now the Houston Dynamo.

The unnamed team was the San Jose Clash. I've used this as a trick question myself, since even solid MLS supporters are likely to forget the timeframe and answer Earthquakes. They, of course, are now the Houston Dynamo.

Precisely. In this era, MLS games were essentially paid programming in that ESPN wasn't paying the league for the broadcast rights, but MLS was footing the bill for the personnel. Rebroadcast fees weren't much, but did have a material impact on the league's revenue for the 2001 season.

Precisely. In this era, MLS games were essentially paid programming in that ESPN wasn't paying the league for the broadcast rights, but MLS was footing the bill for the personnel. Rebroadcast fees weren't much, but did have a material impact on the league's revenue for the 2001 season.

Thing that always bothered me about The Hungry And The Hunted is that it's almost maniacally bad hunting. No hunter in his right mind, certainly no professional hunter, and sweet heavens no hunter who's being filmed would ever discharge a weapon in the direction of another human being (unless he's vice president of a

Thing that always bothered me about The Hungry And The Hunted is that it's almost maniacally bad hunting. No hunter in his right mind, certainly no professional hunter, and sweet heavens no hunter who's being filmed would ever discharge a weapon in the direction of another human being (unless he's vice president of a

He's also the only one to dislike soccer. As a soccer guy from that period, it was a big thing to me. I remember my compatriots getting up in arms every time a broadcaster or any media outlet would dismiss the sport. This was 1998-2000, so the soccer question was still unanswered. I had friends who didn't like the

He's also the only one to dislike soccer. As a soccer guy from that period, it was a big thing to me. I remember my compatriots getting up in arms every time a broadcaster or any media outlet would dismiss the sport. This was 1998-2000, so the soccer question was still unanswered. I had friends who didn't like the

"My name is Isaac Jaffe and I run this place. Anybody else who runs this place, please raise you hand."

Campbell just hit Ozymandias-level villainy. Revealing his master stroke only after Draper couldn't do anything to stop it. "I did it 35 minutes ago."

Campbell just hit Ozymandias-level villainy. Revealing his master stroke only after Draper couldn't do anything to stop it. "I did it 35 minutes ago."