Burt Macklin FBI

Does anyone at the table even remember or care that the man once won a World Series of Poker bracelet, and at a fairly complicated game to boot?

I was pleasantly surprised that they didn't end the episode with random party-goers coming to Tom and Jean-Ralphio asking them to plan upcoming parties, thus miraculously saving e720. Of course, now we have to find something else for Tom to do.

They said it was 30 hours. I've driven from Los Angeles to Philadelphia, that took 40, so seems their math was about right.

I'm going to go ahead and be Captain Nit-Picky Douchebag and say that I'm disappointed in this, sorta. This doesn't look like GTA V so much as it looks like GTA IV: San Andreas. When they announced GTA V, I was bummed that there wouldn't be anything else in the IV-verse, but not that appears to be the case and I'm

The money count went down by about $150 in the episode with the murphy bed. I assume that was the implied cost of the bed. Still not sure why they wouldn't buy a futon like every other New Yorker in the world (though it does fit the theme of this being Brooklyn in the 70s).

I saw the first minute as DVR bleedover from HIMYM. Was pleased to see that the people gettting ripped in the open had actually done something to deserve being ripped. At least, something more than wear a hat.

Also, best band name ever.

My comi-tragic fanfic ending for the show is real simple. Ted tells Slutty Pumpkin "I love you", Slutty Pumpkin kisses him, they have awkward elbowy sex. Cut to the Future Couch. "Kids, that's how I met your mother. The past two decades of my life with this horrible woman have been a living hell and I've told you this

True story. A couple years ago I reconnected with a girl I knew in college. She was hot then, and I was too awkward to make anything happen between us. Years later, she's still hot and I have a little bit of game. We spent months flirting online, some steamy texts, a few great phone calls. I finally travel halfway

I heard Slashy Foreskin, which would be the creepiest Halloween costume ever.

With two.

You wouldn't last ten minutes on the creek.

Actually that does sound pretty awesome. I'm wondering if there's a tobacco warehouse fantasy camp somewhere.

Can't it be both? Or the sense of adventure?

Seeing the Slutty Pumpkin in HIMYM promos, along with talk of her "perfection" makes me think they're about to debunk my Mother theory in the biggest head-fake ever. I've always thought the Slutty Pumpkin was also Ted's Perfect Match from later in S1 that he didn't meet because he was banging Robin at the moment they

Well, for starters there's the whole body-of-a-Greek-god thing. That ain't bad. Second, it's exceptionally good at that one specific task. So good that you can retire in your mid-30s.

The moment we were told the racers would be sleeping in the beds they carried, I knew we were doomed to a non-elimination leg and all suspense drained from me.

It's odd because I actually enjoyed My Boys, and appreciated the mild yet pleasant nature of the show. Jordana Spiro was approachably hot, and Jim Gaffigan could be coutned on to show up for a minute and absolutely crush it. It even used Johnny Galecki well as a recurring guest and even had an episode with Felicia Day.

whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa. Fair's fair, but let's not start blaming the pizza dance. OK? Can we agree to that? We're good.

There's a difference between being not as good and being a shadow. They can't all be Modern Warfare, but if they were all about paintball, I'd be disappointed. As this episode covered much of the same thematic territory as Chaos, the comparisons are inevitable. Most eps won't do that.