Burt Macklin FBI

Meh. Weaker than the previous Halloween episodes and a pale shadow of Chaos Theory.

If you can dream it, you can do it. Now get out there and make us proud, you silly scrawny dyke, you.

Skinny lesbians like big tits too, asshole.

Thanks for the recap. I missed the back half of the episode because once Kat bit the celery stick I just cleaned up with an old hand towel and dozed off for a bit.

There's a sign outside McLaren's reading "Absolutely No Boogie Boarding". It's been there all season, but I don't recall seeing it last year. Any theories as to what's up with that?

Full points to the staff for figuring out a way for bottlenecks to not be so severe. The bus departures were frequent enough that there was some bunching off the Jesus Dudez massive lead, yet infrequent enough to leave gaps in the racers.

That just cured my Lyme disease.

Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.

And if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its ass a-hopping.

I'm assuming that young Chuck Lorre was once brutally sodomized by a Texan named Patel. The open hatred this show continues to display toward its characters is shameful.

Also, the lead times make any actual football references somewhat dicey. The scene where Kevin asks his wife if he should play Ochocinco was surely shot weeks ago, as nobody in their right mind would even have him on their roster now (esp. in an 8-team league).

Has held up well. She's clearly in her 40s now, so she no longer looks as pixie-ish as she did in the 90s. Can still rock a pair of boots like nobody's business.

My first handjob was at an Amy Grant concert. Explains quite a bit, actually.

Never saw it, but I almost bought Gears of War 3 after hearing Into Dust on one of their commercials.

2 Broke Girls (CBS, 8:30 p.m.): Things that will inevitably happen tonight: The diner subplot will be terrible and possibly racist. Kat Dennings and Beth Behrs will do something charming, and Todd VanDerWerff will unreasonably forgive the show because of that. The comments section will be filled with weeping and

Nobody remembers that.

Yes, a story he's tellig his kids… about all the chicks he banged back in the days when he and his crew would get high on a regualr basis.

Mildly nitpicky. I can see Ted being douchy enoug to demand a last name as he's tapping the number into his phone. I typically put whatever bar I'm at as the last name, helps me remember who the hell some of these randos are.

At times, I find both the tasks and the cast to take a back seat to location. This episode was phenomenal for me, I can only imagine how thrilling it must be to race speedboats from island to island in Thailand. Seriously, how fucking fun would that be if it were you? The suspense is often quite limited in TAR, but

In terms of female hotness, this is definitely a C season at best. The twins aren't atrocious, but aren't that great either.