
jesus fucking christ.

It pains me to say it, but I agree. The writing was better last week, and even then, there were a few sketches that went nowhere (that effing crab sketch comes to mind). I'd give last week a B- and this week a C+.

I unequivocally hate Weekend Update with Seth Meyers, so I was more than delighted to see Amy there, and she completely hit it out of the park with the writing and delivery.

I can't effing believe SNL got an A. Like yea, it had some enjoyable moments, but the highest it possibly deserved was a B, and that would be a kindness.

She's Angeloony!

Hey @avclub-c88e480b73f71a78df8a9839f870a0f2:disqus , are you around? I watched the first episode of Spartacus and thought it was pretty decent. I am cutting it some slack for being dull, because it was obviously setting things up. Also, even though action sequences aren't my thing, the scene in the arena at the end

I know it's been mentioned before, but editing of this show is really top notch. It's beautifully shot, it has a clearly defined aesthetic, and the editors seem to really know how to amp up the intensity of a joke with rapid-fire cuts. And that's not even mentioning the sound editing, which is   bizarre but yet

But we don't have Millennial's Santa, do we?

Don't even joke about that!

Can Sugar just be the new head of Glee club? Please?

@avclub-eede55069a8d3430b54730901f49c230:disqus It is legitimately weird to see her without bangs.

OK, I did really like the digital short though.

And that's what I get for commenting when I am half asleep.

Yea I think they're working out a way to make her a little over the top, while still being a human being as opposed to a cartoon.


Maybe no one's ever been nice to him and violence is the only way he can express himself.

Only if it happens on a different show, thanks. I thought the two of them were awful.

I liked this episode, but I wish Kristen Schall was utilized better than "the new inept page" Hopefully she will be in coming weeks because she was pretty boring tonight. Twofer got a good line out of it though. "Why does my coffee say black guy?"

You're a real comedian, yourself.

Yea, these are challenges that can only work on something with a more fanciful premise, like RuPaul's Drag Race. At least there you know it's all done with a wink at the camera. You can never have Tom Colicchio and PeeWee Herman judge a challenge together and have it work.