
@turtac:twitter …I really need to wikipedia this shit. Thanks.

I'm still leaning closer to causation over here.

I have to say, if the writers find a way to keep Caplan around after her inevitable break up with Nick, I'll be here to stay. She's exactly what the show needed: a foil for Jess. Dare I say, I actually like Jess more now? Maybe I've just been pacified by my love for Lizzy Caplan, but tonight for the first time, I

I know I deserve cancerAIDS for this, but I'm just trying to figure out if Disqus is broken on the whole site, or if it's me, or what. Seems like new comments are coming through here, and whatnot. Anyone else having issues?

Am I going completely crazy, or was the dog park sketch used in an episode last season? I was CONVINCED I had seen it before, and not in a "hey this is sort of familiar" kind of way, but in an "I remember that line of dialogue", way. Was it used as a promo, or was it for some reason reused from an episode last year?

Both, I hope. Maybe he's a fly flying [Philadelphia] Flyer?

…Isn't that what it actually means in the fairy tale? Because back in the day really fair skin was prized, hence powdering one's face?

All the more reason for Alexis Denisof to come on instead :D.

At the very least, I like that it shows the characters are growing up and changing. I think that's the biggest theme this season, confronting change and maturing because of it. I'm just worried that the two separate locations are going to make the episodes feel really disjointed.

That was the part on TV when I was limping in pain to the couch, so I kinda did, but was thinking more about how I carpet burned my back falling down the stairs. All in all a successful night on my part, I'd say.

I tuned in late during this episode, and then injured myself and was distracted with the "trying not to be in pain" thing, but I can see I didn't miss too much.

I agree, and it doesn't help that the writers seem unsure of what to do with him. They don't make him wacky enough to be a straight up comedic figure (or at least they try, but the jokes end up falling flat), but I also don't think his relationship with Lily feels genuine to give it any emotional depth. I always groan

And did better…

@twitter-16745938:disqus Ya know what, I honestly don't think so. I really don't get what everyone sees in him, really.


I mean, she was in Sleater Kinney. She wasn't the lead vocalist, but she did backing. The most jarring thing to me about it was that she wasn't yelping, not that I mind that either!

Well to be fair, HIMYM is a good show, but the character Robin is with is more of a "boyfriend of the week" than anything else. On the other hand, Glee is not a good show, and while Brittany and Santana are both "regulars", the fact that they're a couple has been all but forgotten as of the "Santana Comes Out Episode

I liked this episode a bit more than you did. I think the set-ups and slow start were well worth the shenanigans that ensued by the end of the episode. Not perfect, but damn funny and entertaining. Also, I thought Jane's outfit was amazing.

There's probably a towel by the TARDIS swimming pool.