
@avclub-977cf54e52109b5b2795406737cf36d4:disqus It's pretty neat to read books along with him, even ones he covered months ago. Often times I wish I was able to discuss books with someone, but no one I know has read it. Right now I'm reading American Gods while following his blog and it's fun to compare my predictions

Have you ever heard of Mark Oshiro? He has two sites (MarkReads and MarkWatches) where he writes about individual episodes or chapters of media that he has never experienced. Because he wants to be able to speculate on the series as he goes, the site has a stern anti-spoiler policy, but because many of the followers

I decided to watch it online even though I said I'd watch it with some friends, and I'm not sure I can handle seeing it a 2nd time

This week's episode was even better than last week's too.

To those of you who have seen this: should I even bother watching this *two hour* finale? I mean, I already invested a shit load of time into this pointless show, so on one hand are two more hours really a big deal? On the other hand, this is two more hours I could be watching Warehouse 13 or Xena on Netflix.

Do you think that Albert played a better game than Strategically that Sophie? It's hard to tell from the information we were given who the strategist was between the two of them.

Whenever I was tempted to pity Bradon towards the end, I would just remember how fucked up his interactions with Mikayla were. Apart from being completely inappropriate, it was bordering on emotional abuse.

Yet another season where NO ONE STRATEGIZED.

Ah yea, I guess that makes sense. But I fully agree with something you said above: that Coach giving his word to Ozzy was so fool-hardy and unnecessary, that there was absolutely no reason for him to be in that situation in the first place. As much as Coach excelled at manipulation, that is how much he failed at

I still think Albert played this game without physical ability, without strategy, and without "honor", but I agree he should have gotten one final opportunity to defend himself. I could have sworn the show used to allow for closing statements from the competitors.

Did he win any puzzles other than the one against Edna? I remember him excelling at physical challenges but having marked difficulty with puzzles. Even when he beat Edna, he already had a substantial lead, and she still came close to beating him.

I bet if Coach had cast a vote for himself instead of Ozzy at the final Tribal, he could have swayed at least one more vote in his favor and won.

When the game is played right, it's captivating. Without sounding trite, it's like watching a human chess game play out.

Maybe, but who knows. Coach was making promises he couldn't keep the whole game, and twisting it as God's will. I'm sure he'd have still found a way to spin it in his favor.

Unlike many fans, I didn't mind the "Redemption Island" twist thrown into the game. I thought it was much less obnoxious than bringing back two players who had already been on the show 2 times.

I love that Ozzy's defeat came down to a puzzle. That is so telling about his strengths and how he played the game. Was he good at protecting his own self interests? Yes. But all he needed was 1 random outside force to spell his defeat.

Also the art is just incredible.

I tend to agree with you. I think it's great that she's a queer female cartoonist, but her work is just not for me.