
And that would be bad why…?

Aw sorry to hear that. I don't listen to any other podcasts on that network, but I'd say, in general, the ads are pretty annoying. The ads for Saw Bones and Throwing Shade have done nothing to encourage me to listen, although maybe I should inspite of myself.

No problem, I hope you enjoy it! It's less than a year old so in some ways, it's still sort of finding it's bearings, but so far I've really enjoyed what I've heard. Put Your Hands Together is good too, but you have to really be in the mood to hear standup, especially because many comedians are working out bits, and

Yeah I really really hate the new comment system here too. It's so much like Reddit, ie, it only promotes discussions the rest of the community agrees with, instead of trying to actually start a dialogue or bring up new opinions.

Thank you!

OK I'll ask for suggestions from you guys. I don't always love WHM, but if I want more episodes in the vein of Tooth Fairy 2, which had me crying, what should I listen to?

I'm going to be the dissenter here and say that generally speaking, I don't care for WHM. Now don't get me wrong, I've heard a few episodes that were just hysterical, but more often than not, it's just an hour+ of negativity and nitpicking. I suppose that's similar to The Flop House, but they always seem less bitter I

JV Club is also notable for it's interviews with female comics/actors/writers, which get way less time on shows like WTF. Also, I think Varney's interview style can often lend to more intimate interviews because she's better at setting her subjects at ease. That might just be my own bias though. Either way she's had

Please tell me someone else has mentioned Cameron Esposito already. She's even in the illustration (I assume! How many podcasters have side mullets?), but I haven't seen a single mention of either of her fantastic podcasts Wham Bam Pow or Put Your Hands Together. I was only realized she had podcasts a few weeks ago

The only problem I have with I4H at this point, is it's harder for me to find old episodes I haven't listened to 3-4 times already. It's the kind of podcast I'll binge on and listen to their entire back catalogue, and then I'll have to take a break for a few months for it to be fresh again. There are episodes of CBB

I'm going to ask again, and hope someone connected to the site sees this before it gets buried. Is the "What's on Tonight" newsletter defunct? I've been subscribed for a long time, and haven't gotten one since Sunday. I'll be very disappointed if it was done away with.

So is anyone else subscribed to the "What's on tonight" newsletter? I haven't gotten one since sunday which, shock, was the day before the site redesign. It wouldn't be a big deal if there was still a link to all the different columns on the front page, but there's not.

Ugh completely agree. I had a feeling their relationship was going to go there, but I was NOT expecting to actually see them kiss. That'll be burned into my brain forever…

Oof yeah, that school shooting sequence was rough. I suppose the incest stuff was handled as well as incest can be handled, meaning, I felt pretty upset and slightly nauseous… yay? I don't even know what else to say other than it was really disturbing.

I'm a little surprised Todd thought the incest stuff was so tame. I mean, we didn't see them get totally down and dirty, but I found it SUPER disturbing. Easily one of the most disturbing things I've seen on this show.

I always thought "Landslide"'s ability to make me cry was unnatural…

And that damn louisiana humidity makes it SO HARD to keep the lens from fogging up (over half of the image).

"Was the song too much??"

I think the fatal flaw of HDTGM is they have to weed through movies for fear of offending people they know. I get why that could be important, but at the same time it feels a little hyperbolic. Either shit on bad movies or don't, but trying to toe that line of not offending anyone does not work for me.

Also, I've never seen Guatemala, so I'll be interested to see how you like it!