
none of these morons knew Stalin meant Man of Steel. it was the 2nd clue in single Jeopardy. It was a lay up. They should have figured Stalin would have been a clue answer as soon as they saw the category.

I would say, Fallon's show has more of the substance free dorm's friday night vibe than that of a frat party.

so 5 episodes about how much Batman sucks and 1 about how Quasar rules. I wonder what they'll focus on if they order more episodes?

do they spend the whole show building and running through power point presentations? I can understand if they handle all the document and spreadsheet review as montages.

Goodbye House of Pies.

really hope they do a stand alone tv movie of Cassidy crushing all the lamewad vampires. that was pretty fantastic. also Herr Star saying shit will be great. he has the best "shit" in all of comics.

the only reason to listen to Alice in Chains and Pantera because they fucking rule.

SNL reminds me of one of those shows that has been on TV for a super long time and has had a ton of great moments but also a shitload of ass parts.

there's been tons of gay movies since the Birdcage (which was great, Gene Hackman's never looked hotter).

Namor is a dick. Mr Fantastic should have Ultimately Nullified his ass long ago.

Where the fuck is Quasar, that's what I want to know.

yes thats what i remember about this movie besides the weird surfing bit that was in the previews. hes in a cage and has to play basketball or die. yes, excellent. A+

a bring reveal would be Cap using limewire AFTER his dorm counselor explained how downloading mp3s with napster is illegal

yes quasar has quantum wrist bands that allow him to wield the power cosmic. also wendell vaughan is a pretty chill dude. also what is a pegasus project and what is an easter egg?

still nothing is more shocking than to read old X-Men comic books and see Wolverine smoking in front of Power Pack. that's fucked up.

Quasar should be in this movie or it fucking sucks

Jin Yang A+

needed more Jin Yang but another very strong episode.

this is such bullshit. bob marley never smoked pot.

I hope Jin Yang is heavily featured in season 3.