
nice backhanded comment on the Paddy's Pub shirt.

"It means you have a fucking dog face!"
*exasperatedly looks at the audience*
"How do you not get THAT?"

ladies and gentlemen this book is for the birds

The Filipino Asswang. Very dangerous.

I would go see Spank if he were real.

oh my god the angry mowing is superb

I have a fan theory that Charlie isn't really a bird lawyer

best part of being in a frat is all that poon you get to crush

Titty's Mom, big fan

Wally was a great movie about how awesome life will be once we ditch our garbage planet and all get spots on eternal luxury space cruisers. I can't fuckin wait to live in the Wally universe.

who remembers when PFT and PFTCommenter found each other on twitter? My worlds collided.

please, call me Paul

the hero spent half the movie desperately wanting to end her own life.

haven't seen any of those cartoons in a while but Eek would definitely get himself into trouble and then yell Eek and get run over or whatever. Then there were the Terrible Thunder Lizards and those dingbat cavemen. 2 cavemen.

hey what about the Beetlejuice cartoon? that wasn't bad. and lets talk about Eek the Cat. Eek the motherfucking Cat yall.

so much bullshit being recommended. hey amazon, how about some books? pitiful.

my favorite was when he was like OR EH VWAH SHOW SHA NA!

wikipedia is dope. i'm jizzing all over it rn.

australians add an 'r' to words like 'no' and 'so' because some smelly irish criminals got sent there and were illiterate and had no clue how to properly speak.

I don't blame him though, if they explained the role of Walder Frey to him before he became familiar and offered well under his typical rate. i'd be all like, the fuck is this shit too.