
I will find this Fear Factory tour doc and watch it. Fear Factory are excellent.

and it was about as cool as a parking lot full of whale vomit.

LOL, "plowed"

I should've. I was so steamed. Assholes.

this show is bullshit. I've been to the actual house that Hank bought in San Diego. It's small, and there is no attic for his sister to hide in.

I liked this movie until Renee Zellweger totally narcs on Liv Tyler. Like, big deal, she takes pills, you boned Rex Manning, calm down, spaz.

pretty much ripped off the bit from Dirty Work but it was solid nonetheless.

How cool would it be to cast Susie Essman and Bob Balaban as your parents? Pretty jealous tbh.

This is no doubt the inspiration for Elsa, from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

"Your footwear is quite fashionable"
"Thank you"
"May I insert my penis in you?"

i consider them all plush size

"the miasmic spell"

to protect the integrity of the final scene i will be watching the movie encased in a sealed plastic mylar bag.

The Mask v Lobo was pretty awesome.

Really loved this episode. Especially when the creep at the bar got what he deserved for daring to mansplain to Kim that he found her attractive. That son of a bitch.

and knitting…and knitting… and knitting….

thank you for the womansplanation

it was both

whoa, I hope everyone had adequate trigger warnings.

It was in the 30 for 30. Evans said he wanted to make sure they got all the money because they had a bodyguards (or guards, don't remember) who may have had guns. Watch it again.