
Ugh, Chuck mansplaining the story of his Dad to Kim.

it was easy to miss but this was clearly a case mansplaining. you see, in a tv show, when a man explains something to a woman, it is called mansplaining. do you understand now? it can be tricky so I can go over it again for you if you like.

2 spaces after a period is fucking bullshit. Davis & Main have their heads up their asses.

the party sounded boring. it wasn't a bunch of dudes shouting at and harassing professional dancers. it was 2 escorts, 1 already wasted on drugs and alcohol, who were probably not actual dancers. the sober one then used some stupid comments by the asshole lax bros to cut the "show" short and take off with the money.

they had bodygaurds. thats why Evans gave them their full $800 and even slipped them an extra hundy just to get them to leave.

that email does not include a quote from American Psycho. it may have been inspired by Patrick Bateman but it's never said in the movie. but yeah, the Phil Collins bit is an obvious clue to the American Psycho connection. It was really weird seeing people think it was actual evidence that the whole team want commit

I can see the Prarie Rose/Baltimore environment as a character connection, but I don't see the ending of Scalped as being anything close to a rip off of the Wire.

I'm going to miss the time when the mini disc was going to replace the compact disc.

Scalped is such a good comic book. I need to re-read it. Going to be tough to adapt though, as the art by RM Guerra was magical and I don't see any tv show matching it. But the plot will definitely work for a serialized tv show. Kind of like a cross between the Sopranos and Rage Against the Machine's video for Freedom.

i don't remember much Wire influence on Scalped. maybe you're joking tho?

whoa ooh oh yeah *finger point to the beat*
In the morning, when I rise, you bring OH FUCK

Jokamel is consuming all of Satisfizor's pleasure!

I'd also like to see if Ennis' The Boys can be translated into the moving picture medium. I have low expectations for Preacher but maybe if they pull that off we'll see it.

that article was great for reminding me how fuckin sick Baxter paper was. You knew your comic book was legit if it used Baxter paper.

really enjoyed this episode. Alica and Jillian were great. Bill stole the show as always. Missing some Montez but otherwise it was nice to see a whole episode back in the office and dealing with the business of telemarketing.

When I saw the B- I looked at the review the way Dennis and Mac looked at Wally when he introduced himself.

Disagree. The dog being cute and naive was what made it such a good joke. That it made dog enthusiasts uncomfortable is a bonus. A+ bit.

Yeah I lost my shit on that scene too. Howerton was superb all episode.

real wasted opportunity for the Gang. They could have used Greico to get them into the Roxbury.

So nice to see Chainsaw up to his old shenanigans again