
Welcome to the X-Men Joel Furtado — HOPE YOU SURVIVE THE EXPERIENCE

This movie was great, for all the reasons the critics hated it, and specifically because the critics hated it. I hope Refn continues to make whatever kind of movies he wants and if it pisses off a heap of movie critics even better. A+ 10/10

Dennis and Dec screaming at each other and the "wrinkled bitch" line were glorious. As always those 2 are criminally underrated actors.

I hope Daisy burns that god damn place to the fucking ground

the funniest part of the firing was that Carolla sent an email over Christmas with no prior notice and then insisted everyone agreed that it was the best way to handle it. what a dummy.

also very much enjoy how Charlie has convinced himself he is an actual lawyer at this point. to be honest he probably is at this point the most seasoned practitioner of bird law in Philadelphia.

Franks flag, Dennis and Mac's sculptures, and Charlie yelling you bitch at Dee were the highlights for me. and the cholo accents. lots of good racism this episode.

please, totally undersells the lasting cultural impact of this movie. I cosplay having hair sex with pterodactyls all the time.

Can't wait to enjoy Season 2: Another Fucking Man in a Motherfucking Castle

AND NOW THAT I'VE HAD COFFEE I'M READY TO _____ is what i say whenever i have coffee and then go do whatever ______ is.

shouting KEEP FIRING ASSHOLES is a great way to raise moral in the office or classroom when there is a particularly challenging group assignment to finish.

you sound like a real prince valium

yes I lost my shit when Nathan asked if his writers wanted any apple juice. this show is magical.

you sound like a real William VanLandingham

the most underrated running bit ever was Bob always accenting the second word in ice cream.

Another brilliant episode. amazing how this show has evolved.

this dude has some nice fuggin taste. i miss the jerkey boys. sizzlechest. hah! if you were 10-15 when those tapes were big they were the fucking best.

or living with your parents.

i guess the lesson hear is to write and preform your own music and then you dont have to worry about super shitty contracts and producers.

but the puppets make it for fucking nerds.