
its impossible not to.

it was also great hearing Carl call into real sports talk radio shows.

Yes it's true. Eventually you become so obsessed with winning that you'll make horrible decisions and justify them on the intended result.

hand me more wine, because i require it.

Frat Aliens is so good. i hurts like eight bitches on a bitch boat how much Patton Oswalt crushed that episode.

you know this episode reminds me, OF A SEVERELY LONG STORY.

hey maybe they should do a spin off from the zombie's point of view? anyone ever consider the zombies and how they might not like all the fucking humans hanging around, shitting up their zombie paradise? makes you think.

Cursing took the Grand Budapest Hotel from a very cool looking and interesting movie to a hilarious, great movie. "What's the meaning of this shit?!" is a perfect scene. A+

yes, any John Ennis is a treat. that's why this cast is so incredible. Ennis is an all time great. i would watch hours of him just shouting at people to stop tricking him while he wearings a tux.


Elodie? isnt that the mexican corn on the cob that's slathered in mayo and hot pepper dust?

and i have been a fan from the 80's fyi.

yeah! treat the man from UNCLE with the god damn respect that he fucking deserves!

you've heard better? do tell.

Chaplin shrugging about how he was trying to break into the business was superb

so i take it you've never fucked on a pile of kids before?

that was so great making him Thomas Edison. sure why not!

she obviously doesnt give a shit

Celery is evil and rich. she's crushing Lillian because she can. duh.

this show is really fucking good. the cast is ridiculous. jon daly will make any scene hilarious with his facial expressions. also the Wizard of AHHHHS is fantastic.