
a white russian with powdered creamer is fine you big fucking baby.

this episode was interesting only because i never realized how fucking huge Giancarlo Stanton was.

you wanted more politics?

yes, it also helps that she is absurdly hot. also her reaction faces are top notch.

This review was insightful and delightful. I give it 5 stars. Well done.

Nice of Josh to finally admit that he has no sense of humor. It was pretty obvious at this point.

Haha I thought you were talking about alston's review.

dude! disagree! i enjoyed it, whereas a show like the walking dead bores me shitless!

deadly serious. i am pissed.

Beth Dover = Cramsey

wow, way to blatantly spoil LotR for me. what a fucking dick.

to call me grampa we will. but yes, it's already kids these days with their iphones and spotify and hoverboards and fuckable robots.

but no food court!

Artie "spinning only the platters that matters" is a great, now archaic disc jockey line.

and he's only got so many balls to go around. its like, hey you get one, and you get one, and that's it, no more balls!

yeah campers loved the performance until the cross. its a running gag that everyone absolutely loves all the shitty entertainment. electro city, weird al's hypnotist, all the talent show acts, alan motherfucking shemper.

i'm gonna to kill you and fuck you!

Still no explanation on why the girl was from Short Hills

i like to imagine the full plot of Electro City and try and figure out how the Zoot Suit scene fits in right before intermission.

lifehack: buy 2 burritos you scheming tactless poor people.