
jew up your vocabulary whitey.

yes day bidet 100%

season 2 was rad. it's not supposed to be a crowd pleaser or gain universal approval. that the nerds all jizzed themsevles over season 1 is their own fault. season 1 ruled a little harder than season 2 but both were great. i hope they make a many more seasons. its far more entertaining then just about anything else on

I'm gonna kill you and fuck you was one of the greatest lines in a series full of gut busters. i was in real pain after the prank call. and god damn it Jonas/Gene running after Victor. so fucking great.

"Oh this place? I just threw around some old bean bag chairs and lava lamps. Tell me, Susie, have you ever BEAN IN LAVA before?"

no way, movie was good.

also took me forever to place but Gail's library friend, Jeff, also pays Kim Jung-Un in the Interview. that was a good movie and he was really good in it.

just your postdoc advisor if he'd like to hack of a piece of your long greasy dick

me neither!

haha, good point i forgot he just offers up that information for no reason

i can't remember which bits were in which episode. reviewer: do a better job of keeping tally of all the great bits we can relive them here in the comments section.

its great how Hamm fucks up the kids because they are messing with the store but then he just burns the whole fucking store down anyway (and the kids).

yes she is super hot and deranged A+

there's no way that's true. i have no idea if poor english farmers actually pronounce shaun like shorn but that doesn't even make sense as a pun. whoever told you that is a real shaun the shithead.

this sounds like a movie made out of fantastic foreskin.

my nieces and nephews eat this shit up. they measure time by how many episodes of Shaun the Sheep they can watch. of all the kiddie shows ive seen its definitely one of the better ones. the intro music is all right too.

In the same way that [Name of a show] portrays a specific type of [Name of a show]—not every [Name of a show]

no mention of maggie having a dream about two dudes taking out their measuring sticks and then measuring her from like, all angles, both of them, at the same time, with their multiple measuring sticks?

the furtive glance at the fridge was masterful. A+.

thats basically my favorite song now i listen to it over and over.