
Johnny Cage is not afraid to die

sorry Joan, you wanna get plowed by a rich man next to the Pyramids of Giza you gotta ditch the ankle biting booger machine.

i really liked that part in the opening scene when Arya looked up and saw the Titan of Braavos' balls.

nah, im good.

exactly. too lazy to edit and add insight and style. you'd footnote the full transcripts if you had any work ethic. anyone can cut and paste excerpts.

for one thing i wouldnt use acumen in that sentence.

sick of these oral histories. write the fucking article you lazy bastards.

i dont get what the big deal is with the opening scene. i've shit my pants in new york before. we all have.

this had a great ending. its a robot ending for a movie about robots. not toys sitting in oceans.

we may have gone out separate ways Raylan, but i know you did me that solid because we share a bond, one you only get when two young men, unsure of their future, spend their formative years together, clerking at Blockbuster.

which of these movies show the most and best bewbs?

ive never seen most of these movies and i assume they fucking suck

Pete Campbell is clearly just a Starscream rip off. F minus for failing to pick up on that obvious reference.

just realized how amazing that screen shot of the guys watching the kid getting slap is. you get the silhouette of the dad winding up to unload on his kid and the 3 different facial expressions on the guys.

it was rogan filtered through the idiot characters of adam ders and blake.

also Adam Carolla didn't say women aren't funny he said men are funnier than women. but whatevs.

i liked the ending. this show is about getting weird and thats what it was.

i dont think Chuck saw Jimmy as a threat. he's just nuts for the law just like he was nuts about his electromagnetic disease.

i'd probably just assume you were the editor of your high school newspaper but no big deal, so was Lemmy.

DUH haven't you seen airheads who didn't see this coming??????