
the European saying Sausages is probably the best thing on the show. there are quite a few highlights tho.

the comic tone is the point? yes? and stabbing a bunch of donated blood bags is the wrong tone? for a live action cartoon?

"it’s the show’s casual cruelty in making the wasted blood a punchline that throws the humor off-kilter."
what the fuck are you talking about? the joke isn't too gory or bloody it's true cruel? you sound like PETA complaining about animal cruelty in a tom and jerry cartoon. jesus christ the av club is going down the

yes the editing was very Tim & Ericy i thot. i mean that as a compliment.


fucking english majors

wait, what? "The doctor surreptitiously turns on the bed’s electronic control panel to test whether Chuck notices. He doesn’t, which means I was wrong in my speculation last week about his condition."
are you fucking serious? you thought Chuck being allergic to electricity was real? jesus christ.

video games arent for girls.

this show has established dominance all over my face.

ooh, tough crowd. still pretty good i thot. big chuckle from Jack Black's explanation about him really being his brother and Adam being fine with it. also Jack Black singing Offspring and Alice in Chains (that was Rooster on the back of the truck, right?) was pretty great.

also Seth Rogan as Bill Walton was great. loved the bit about him not falling for the same-actor-playing-different-personality-twin.

the Broin County song was a parody of Timber, by Kesha and Pitbull, hence Kroll's bit about those two at the beginning of the show.

what the fuck is Mary's problem? real basic bitch behavior.

fuck a lord grantham

this show is racist against monkeys

we're all racist. especially if youre not currently blowing a minority. even then though your probably racist anyway.

probably because youre not currently masterbating a minority to completion you awful racist shithead.

you'd think being able to openly hate Bill Cosby would help get it out of their system.

Howerton's facial expressions after he finally calmed down after his golden god range rover rant was unbelievably good. very impressive episode.

this makes me hungry for some bagelry