Sensual Predator

to be honest, i'm not a foodie traveler. I went for the scenery and to get away from it all…but I was not at all impressed by the food there and especially how expensive it all was. I'm glad you were able to make good of it, but we were certainly left with an "oh well, everything else is great" vibe which didn't

Just because Iceland is a very neat destination doesn't mean it has it's shit together about food. The food there was kinda terrible and the hot dogs are pretty much worse than any I've had. They're fucking boiled and topped with disgusting slimy sauces. Don't fetishize crap food just because of where it comes from.

I thought they were laughably bad. I tried giving them a chance after some friends on Facebook tried to convince me that they were actually good, but they were so dull. But that performance will be seared into my memory as one of the worst introductions to a band I can fathom.

Just catching up on this show now. I gotta say I laughed so fucking hard throughout this thing. My wife was sleeping on the couch and I kept exploding and she kept getting freaked out because I don't laugh much at TV even when it's funny. The Swisher Sweets commercial fucking slayed me. The "testimonials" from

I still can't stop watching First Day of Camp. It's so ridiculously funny and damned delightful.

I was fully expecting the neighbor to call out Lee's gay affectations instead of implying that his wife was of the mail-order variety. Then it hit me that NO ONE has made that implication about Lee in the story yet. Pretty neat that they haven't.

I felt pretty much the same, but I also didn't find it particularly funny. It was humorous in it's way, but didn't end up with a single laugh out of this mouth during the running time.

I read this book at the perfect time. It was the first post-high school book I read with actual, human interest in the written word. School taught me that reading was generally an awful affair, and I credit this book for helping me realize that there were authors that were genuinely interesting to me as people who

I just started watching these too. This one in particular is so damn silly I couldn't contain myself. "They stuffed snow in his mouth, and in his butt! They cold-cocked him; that's where they put your member in a block of ice and stomp on it." Holy fuck hahaha

The latter, for sure. This one supplied the Bachelor(ette) with incidental, background type music. They basically "buy" the whole library and the editor uses it to fill in music based on mood, or whatever cliche they're trying to sell. Whatever they use, they report, and there's a (small) royalty paid. It's sad in

Not to shit on this guy, because he is doing a very fine job…but it's not at all unusual for people to play multiple instruments and record them in this way. I myself play a few well enough to overdub my own parts (drums is my main) but I worked for a commercial music library where ALL of the composers were extremely

There's actually not as many "little boxes" suburbs in L.A. as there are in most big cities. Unless you count the WAAAAY out suburbs out along the 210 or whatever. I always thought Agrestic was an analog for Valencia/Santa Clarita.

I think of it as watching Gus's personal ascent into some kind of more-realized version of himself (gaining confidence as person, gaining some traction in his career), where he meets Mickey in the middle on her personal decline. Mickey would've been clearly out of his league in a different era of her life, perhaps

The ladies made a point of saying that every woman goes through a "sex with ugly dudes" phase. That may have been in there to set up what happened…or perhaps that's a real phenomenon? Our female counterparts maybe able to answer that. Also, the idea that Gus and Mickie should be moving along in their relationship

I've heard this song a bunch because the wife loves that Holiday Rules album, and it's a totally justifiable cover that makes the song absolutely listenable. Macca's version is absolutely horrible, but if you actually listen to The Shins version, I think you'd soften up on the composition of it.

I get "In My Life", because it is damn-near a perfect song if there ever was one…but to not give the runner-up to "I Am The Walrus" just seems crazy. It's easy to make the case that it's the most unique-non-novelty Beatles song ever. It stands as my absolute favorite track of their entire catalog even after hundreds

I gave it my all. I swear I did. I left it all out there. My blood's on the remote. I do have friends that didn't even finish it, though. Jeez.

Saw this at an early screening. Man this movie is a fucking MESS. It had it's likeable parts, and certainly some interesting and funny performances, but as a whole it just does NOT add up. This "A" is extremely generous. Really, there's nothing to be at odds with here?

This video was very funny, hell the song's first verse and chorus were kind of listenable.

It's strange that the article doesn't mention the heartbreak the viewer feels for Arya, whom we've grown to love quite a bit.  We were all so happy for her to finally get something good and familiar back, and it ended just as badly as it could have.