
So happy to see this article just to laugh at my desk thinking of this episode. Top 3 of all time for me. The focus group with the kids is just outstanding across the board:
- Nelson turning Millhouse's dial to green for the muscular guy
- Ralph crying after being yelled at and turning his dial to red
- Roger Meyers Jr

This is so late that no one will ever read this, but I just finished the season. I thought it was brilliant television. And the acting on this show is superb. Odenkirk & McKean are just terrific together. And I think the show has done a brilliant job making me interested in their relationship.

I *loved* Action Park. There were some obviously dangerous rides for sure. But far beyond that as a guest the most noticeably dangerous aspect was that young teens ran everything. Seriously every lifeguard, operator, etc seemed to be like 13. This was shocking even at the time.

If the culture of lacrosse has already changed, that's wonderful and I am willing to believe it. Lord knows it needed it. 20 year ago (once again, in my experience), lacrosse was the home for horrible behavior like what was described at that party (racial slurs, misogyny, etc).

1) It is awful for someone to be wrongfully accused of a crime.
2) It is far worse for someone to be wrongfully convicted of a crime.
3) We know for that there are *far* more instances of unreported rape than there are of false accusations of rape.
4) We need to take all reports of rape 100% seriously. Accusations should

I love Staying Alive as well. It features easily the worst show-within-a-show anywhere. I cannot fathom for whom that wordless monstrosity was created. Even tourists to early 80s NYC had to be more discerning than that. Also, our hero is a huge jerk as is our heroine. It is as enjoyably terrible as Saturday Night

These elements (if untainted) certainly add to one's impression that Avery may have killed Theresa. However, a few notes:

I'm late to this, but let me just estimate my faith in the factual nature of certain events or pieces of evidence:

Favorite "Wojo is clearly terrible" memory was God Shammgod dribbling around him in circles for 40 straight minutes like he wasn't even there when Providence drubbed Duke in a 2nd round tourney game.

Most of it is just Duke & Coach K. Laettner was hated more simply because he was a huge jerk on the court. But at least he deserved accolades for his play. He was great.

Great episode, great review. I initially thought the rain concept was lame, though not as lame as the horrible 'rainway' neologism. But it turned out to be a terrific design display in large part to the two winners. Sean's was incredibly clever, while I thought Kini delivered the coolest design in many seasons.

Yeah - it was awful how Lorne was imprisoned for decades until Citizens United freed him.

Really disappointed this won't be weekly. This was a delightful surprise. I'm sure it's a numbers game in terms of what shows get full attention, but your Project Runway reviews have always been terrific and elevated my enjoyment of the show.

I retain my love for college hoops even while I hold my nose about all the rampant hypocrisy in the NCAA simply because I love the product. Of course whatever you hate about the NCAA is 10 times as terrible with college football and thus I have ditched that sport forever.

I have always watched NFL Football ardently, but I am seriously considering dropping it. NFL owners have long shown amazing contempt for their fans: Blackout rules, local tv rules, personal seat licenses (and non-transference), forced preseason ticket purchases, extorting municipalities for giveaways to billionaires,

I was unsurprised to see how close together the questions in bold are while scanning the piece. Brings to mind his appearance on Doug Loves Movies.

Teti - thanks for another terrific set of reviews and revisiting this brilliant season. There's a funeral home in my family, so I've always been drawn to the show.  Though when people ask me about this show relative to personal experience I always say they're exactly the same if you remove anything interesting that

Keith. Tura Satana, naturally.

When Roxxxy thought they were doing a straight Law & Order episode, couldn't someone have had the decency to make a Dick Wolf joke?

I thought the Ivy Winters thing was an impersonation of late-career Shelley Winters. She was fairly whiny by that point.