
That's not Nasim Pedrad.  It's https://twitter.com/#!/nour… .  Anyway - this show is truly hilarious. Having seen plenty of The Bachelor, they've really hit on the typical archectypes and language used by almost everyone on it.

That's not Nasim Pedrad.  It's https://twitter.com/#!/nour… .  Anyway - this show is truly hilarious. Having seen plenty of The Bachelor, they've really hit on the typical archectypes and language used by almost everyone on it.

Chase's intent and "what happened to Tony" are one and the same from a plot standpoint.  And even more than the very compelling POV direction, this callback to this line speaks more to Chase's intent than anything.  It really screams "pay attention to what is said here."  And upon a second viewing, it stands out even

Some major developments in this one.  For one, Linden expresses supreme confidence in her downloading skills.  Richmond goes from severely depressed to severely determined in about 5 seconds on some fourth hand pseudo information.  And everyone knows 17 year old girls today LOVE Laura Branigan.  Also, the white board

Hilariously terrible give and take of the night.
Jamie: "Which side of the bed does he sleep on?"
Gwen: "Whatever side I don't sleep on… facing the opposite direction"

Next week is a bottle episode with Linden and someone from Geek Squad.

For the record, I really like Rabin's film reviews and MYOF.  There's no defending his Simpsons Classics, I'm afraid.  As for 30 Rock, I feel like I've been right in line with him.  Early in the season it seemed to really have energy and had some terrifically funny episodes.  This episode was almost laugh-free (the

If you're going to bother correcting them, you might as well stick the landing.  You're welcome.

One of my favorite exchanges.

Et tu, Teti?  The final strand of continuity for this show has snapped.  You will be sorely missed.

Amazing that Sucklord (The) could steal the episode in about 12 seconds of screen time.  He really needs his own show somehow.  If Young won, I would have been really depressed. He's a likable enough guy but there's never anything deeper in his work than what it's screaming at you (usually in BOLD LETTERING).  Simon

Please let the next challenge be "Create a Karl Marx Applebees", which by the way would have been a much better representation of Pop Art than anything any of these people created back in that challenge.

Quite lame. I do love when the shoots make no sense at all, so that was certainly a win. It's clear as always that they have no idea what their own criteria are.  Bianca actually has a personality, can be fun and is just beautiful (as evidenced by her working-model status - unlike almost all contestants that appear on

Well done as always, Teti.  Simon's look of befuddlement while hearing the group concepts was priceless.  Group 1 watched Parkour and came up with "poop".  That was brilliant.  Group 2 watched guys bouncing off walls and came up with "passage of time from the Moon through the Korean penninsula."  It's always fun

The recent Project Runway reviews and those of Six Feet Under have been some of the best on the site and it turns out they're both Teti. Hopefully, you've got some more assignments coming up for shows I watch.