Pink Donut Eater

Krusty must've thought he meant Homer, Alaska. They could use a clown up there, to distract the locals from all those Kodiak bears.

Hey buddy, did you get a load of the nerd?

Don Vittorio DiMaggio has become a self-aware cartoon.

"Heh heh, your…churlish attitude reminds me of a time I was having dinner with Groucho and —"
"Look, you're going to be having dinner with Groucho tonight if you don't beat it."

Hahahaha! Stop it, you're killing me! Hahaha. Seattle.

When I saw this ep yesterday and Apu handed Homer the copy of Gigantic Asses magazine, I immediately thought of Brett Ratner ogling The Big Book of Butts.

That's it!  You people have stood in my way long enough.  I'm going to clown college!

This year give her English muffins. Whatever you say Mr. Billboard.

JEB BUSH/GEORGE ZIMMERMAN 2016 yeeeaaahhh!!!

"Oh no, Quebec's got the bomb," said a frazzled David Cameron.

If only the Syrians had intervened when Sherman started committing his crimes against humanity.

It was the War Against the South's "Peculiar Institution."

Let's make a trade: you give me the Sandwich Islands and i'll give you the Spice Islands.

Didn't the Freakonomics guys say a major factor in the falling crime rates was legalized abortion. Never heard anything about single parents as a positive contributing factor in decreasing crime rates, though.

Mendelsohn has had a great steak of playing slimy, treacherous criminals. See also: The Place Beyond the Pines, Killing Them Softly.

The Snowtown Murders: One of the ugliest, most dispiriting movies I have ever seen, and that's a compliment.

I'm on the verge of tears by the time we arrive at Espace, since I'm positive we
won't have a decent table. But we do, and relief washes over me in an awesome

Hahahaha you like Whitney Houston?

All my friends and classmates who saw BF before me said it was the best Batman ever, way better than Burton and Keaton's Batman movies. Boy were they wrong.

Then Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson would have been the perfect Jack Reacher, but there would have been even more whining because Johnson is not white. There's no pleasing these purists.