Pink Donut Eater

Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


Homer, you knuckle-beak, I told you a hundred times: you've got to sell your pumpkin futures before Halloween!  Before!

I wish I was Sipowicz.

It's part of Ebert's Great Movies collection.

Back in my days, kids, if you really wanted to splooge you had to earn it.

What does this movie have to do with salad dressing?

^Actually a sequel to The Pee Wee Herman Story.

Here's another mind blower: An attractive and popular student who loves science and comic books and other geek stuff. I've seen freaks like these before, with my own eyes.

I remember that show. The host always wore a geeky sweater, right?

I name searched God and Eric Clapton came up on the top of the list.

8. When the miles on the odometer start piling up, George sells his used luxury model to someone who would never be able to afford a luxury car.

Minnie Driver? Is that like an old Disney cartoon character.

6. He likes to take them out for a test drive.

You know what they say about women with long and weird-looking fingers.

Leprechaun in the Hood.

Someone should poop on the poop deck, so the seamen can clean it up.

Stop it, stop it. You're gonna make me quote one of my favorite lines of dialogue of all time.

I love that Homer's face is splattered with cream pie filling as he writes that in his notebook.

I have always been a little disturbed by Homer beating the Hamburglar half to death. We see the kids' horrified faces as we, the audience, only hear the punches and blows. I think that makes it a tad disturbing.