Pink Donut Eater

Ezak iziri golanus, maledictu nosferatu in principi.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus just made a withdrawal from his spank bank.

Specifically New Mexico, which conveniently has film tax credits.

Springfieldianites for Non-Violence, Understanding and Helping.

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others.

Bill defeated.

Now, working with former Carter Administration officials and military men who were forced into early retirement for various reasons which we won't go into here, nn-hey, we have planned this defense for the city.

In that case may I suggest "Detachable Penis" by King Missile.

No kidding. I didn't like The Chronicles of Riddick all that much but I had a gigantic erection throughout the movie because of Davalos.

Terry Zwigoff

Indeed. Some mother's rump will be fucked.

Our kids… they'll be horrible freaks with pink skin, no overbites, and five fingers on each hand!

A Response

Bush Sr. is such a wimp.

This is what I get for being a communist.

Can anyone here contact @avclub-cef60a2df206a2d28597600866881816:disqus ,@avclub-8cf5b91494d0b8287d6a671ca06da23d:disqus and @AimingforYoko:disqus so we can get the song in order? Im serious.

Loyal Stonecutters, let us begin our reenactment of the Battle of Gettysburg.
*zoom out reveals costumed Colobus monkeys scratching and playing with each other*

You could work for NASA.

I hope somebody gets fired for that blunder.