Son of Now See Here


I've been here since back when the site was good.

Yeah. I kinda see Judge Dredd as a world making people uncomfortable.

7.5 is also coincidently the number of 100's of thousands of dollar Microsoft gave Polygon when they were starting up and is no way connected with their tendency for a long time to rate xbox games higher than average and playstation games lower.

Apocalypse War!

And Max Normal. And Judge Dredds italian house keeper.

It still makes me angry!

I am at this point kind of impressed how all these woke guys tend to not only be sketchy but sketchy in the exact same way.

I became a lot less charitable about Rachael when I was watching in re-runs and realised that she sabotaged nearly every single one of Ross's relationships to the point where it was a little perverse.

I can't imagine why you would do this. Why would you bring up Pat? Why would you even remember Pat under any circumstances except a Pat sketch playing directly in front of you?


That's because the Republican party structure is mostly about getting power to enact policy and the Democrat party structure is mostly about getting Lanyard Jobs.

Seriously, He shoots a couple of random muggers and doesn't even kill Jeff Golblum.

Death Wish 3 Michael Winner is a very different beast from Death Wish Michael Winner.

I greatly respect Ke$ha's struggles and think a grave injustice has been done her.

It's a Guardian piece. It was inevitably going to be written regardless of the nature of the film itself.


Ehn. Death Wish 1 was a different movie than people think it is.

Michael Winner was a sadistic lunatic in a way that made for some great films.

Of course.