Son of Now See Here

Fucktown! (With exclamation mark)

Die goddamit.

It was fun guys. But now…we're done.

Burn it down! Burn it all down!

There's no need to take a photo.

I'm going to go out of this place like I went in. Feverishly masturbating and crying,

It's time to burn this motherfucker down.

It's almost inevitable at this point. Not the site specifically but as a general media trend.

I think I'll miss you around the middle Anxie.

I kind of chose him as an example because he tried to blackmail everyone to pick between him and ZMF at one point.

But Joss Whedon cheated on his wife!

I plan to go out giving them shit over this and everything else. Let me be remembered as spiteful and hatefilled!

Brian Aldiss also passed away.

And when this all dies in six months or so not much of note will be lost.

Bluntly, that's why I'm avoiding the Avocado. Because it's about that ethos rather than the one that gave the comment section it's reputation. It's E Buzz Miller over Zodiac Motherfucker and that's fine for people who need that sort of thing. But I prefer Zodiac.

Wait until you see me in black face and an afro wig!

I'm done. I'm mostly here out of spite and inertia at this point. There's no reason for this place anymore and anything that gave it any kind of identity has long since been stripped away.

That was one of those points when it became very clear the old AVclub was dead.

It's not that unreasoning. One time SNL mentioned AVClub on the show and after that there was just SNL article after SNL article.

Unthreaded and completely unreadable.