Son of Now See Here

No Activity is…pretty funny?

Oh good. Tweets.

Barron Trump is going to be 7 foot tall and take the throne of america by fire and sword. He will sit upon a throne of skulls and demand the most beautiful maid of each state as his concubine.

At least 15 minutes of that will be clown banishing child gangbangs.

It's why Hodor had to die. So there wasn't a season of Bran's leg dragging along the ground from the backpack.

That's what I came in here wondering and now I'm leaving disappointed.

Exuvius is a pretty sold final fantasy for a Gacha.

Some of them are the movie where Adam Sandler cried about 9/11.

As someone who has watched a lot of Bollywood movies…

It was about the iraq war.

There's a panel that sticks in my mind where a wraith sticks their drill tongue in a guys forehead.

Dire wraith stuff still sticks with me. Was 2000AD levels of nasty.

It's why I tend to harp on the class thing. Not out of any heightened class consciousness or whatever but because as it stands you have a media and intellectual landscape dominated by such a narrow range of experience.

I have been convinced for a while now that the most damaging goddamn thing that can happen to a young writer is an MFA program,

That headline makes me angry.

Every hour your don't play I'm shooting one of your cows.

Play the damn thing you wretched coward.

The most fun I had on this recently was me and another guy were trying to kill each other in the same small collection of houses. For some reason we both only had pistols and all the smoke grenades in the world. It got tense and eventually he gunned me down like a dog in the street after I ran out of bullets and tried

You aren't ever going to see a sale for this. It's going to be one of those perennial sellers that never goes on sale because there's no benefit to it.

In so far as I have had sex with all your mothers….