Son of Now See Here

A pleasant time was had by all does not making for a compelling tv series.

It all but says it.

When it first started it was kind of interesting. Not my thing but it was at least funny and clever.

Turns out the performative empathy of online wokeness is pretty good for people with no actual personal empathy.

They only notice if you say the magic words. So just avoid them and you'll be fine.

Dude wears his fetishes so nakedly that he has to be concealing something bizarre. If you're willing to not even conceal the whole underage feet and mess thing you've probably got a skeleton in your closet that you have sex with.

One day some absolutely horrific stuff is going to come out about Dan Schneider. Though I feel like none of it will involve actually touching a girl.

It's both symptoms of the same issue. The douche vs turd wasn't some deep cultural spark point that convinced people there's some equivlaency between the parties but rather a continuation of a a long stand criticism that had been levelled at them that became particularly exacerbated by the democrats rightward shift to

This isn't a vague societal influences thing. This is a direct line. and I'm talking about a largely online phenom. In fact, there's a fascinating book that recently came out Kill All Normies by Angela Nagle that covers this ground.

So what's your argument there? That call out culture didn't get weird and ugly and opportunistic? That it wasn't a culture? That it being a shit show wasn't useful in creating a movement that aggressively defines itself by it's opposition to the values of said culture? Because dumb reactionaries already existed but

Oh god. I didn't mean it like that and I will apologise to anyone who takes it that way. No one deserves to be FCH.

I like Sean and it makes me a little depressed. I mean I never thought I say 'Sean O'Neal has written a Film Crit Hulk Piece.' but here we are.

It is a pet bug bear of mine.

It's in response to the 'Turd Vs Douche' comments. Not the article.

I pushed back against the idea that the bad guy from an 80's hair rock video is good look for modern progressive politics and would create precisely the environment we have now?

And if you were less lame you could do a better job of it. Which is why coolness matters.

My point is that treating this as a driving force in the cultural climate rather than a reaction to a long term failure on behalf of the democrats where they bought short term political gain in exchange for permanent damage to their party is perhaps a useful microcosm of the issues with the 'resistance' school of

There's a difference between 'less cool' and 'uncool'. You just had an entire election where this played out in real time.

It's something that genuinely irritates the fuck out of me to the point where it makes a little angry. It's a take that's both politically ahistorical and self aggrandizing since it means that a certain stripe po face pop culture bullshit is especially important.

The failure of coolness, particularly the dreary ugliness of early 2010's callout culture, on the left was in a very real way responsible for the ride of the alt-right, at least in the online sense. Coolness matters,