Son of Now See Here

'See what we could have done?' is making an example. It's some horses head in the bed shit.

It's not the racist shit.

Putting aside his identity is a complete irrelevancy because he's some rando who created a meme on the internet and putting aside that this sort of thing, regardless of the actual content of what he did pretty much dooms him to a life of poverty and putting aside the one thing that will get you to position whatever

I mean, looking at the article and the bizarre wording and implicit threat they don't seem to be entirely wrong?

Look, you know there's going to be a joke about a puppet having a huge dong.

All the Goetic Demons look weird and have fun titles. You end up summoning a demon that looks like a beautiful woman with the head of a bird riding a camel and will teach you to both find treasure and play guitar. Their title will be Prime Minister.

I think my concern is the first one was pretty much self-contained and reached a pretty nice bittersweet ending. Continuing on is both unnecessary and diminishes the first one.

I am not entirely sure this is a thing that should have happened.

It's another fourteen people on twitter article! Yay!

Logan's run. From the 70's. About a future where everyone over a certain age is killed.

The book is kinda uncomfortable when you realise the whole carousel thing happens at 21 rather that 30 and it's filled with 13 year olds fucking.

No. We aren't doing this. In fact, I'm going to horsewhip some older millenials right now.

Let's burn the place down on the way out.

Like a news media that's far less invested in Twitter bullshit?

This won't massively backfire at all.

They'll still be alive though. A lesson will not have been learnt.

Dear White People costs about 10 dollars. It's pretty safe.

This makes me angry.

That would be entirely correct. But yeah. I did by accident occasionally and while it doesn't make that much difference it makes a difference.

I have a small theory here.