Son of Now See Here

QFG 1 and 2 are probably my favourite set of games of all time.


Lets them forget that they're watching childrens entertainment?

Almost definitely. Though there's also a critical conversation about the online wokeness surrounding things like this and Lady Ghostbusters and Fearless Girl.

Yes. That is the exact person that she is.

Because it's still as easy and the online media is so very, very lazy and it is the laziest way to make it feel like you're doing something important.

This one?

Eh. Honestly if you're in an angel costume playing back up for Corey Feldman this is pretty much a step up from the inevitable meth related destination you were otherwise headed to.

He seems like a genuinely sweet guy whose life has been so fucked up that normal is a fairly distant nation for him.

I swear to fuck I will strike you with an open hand.

I don't like looking at him. It's unpleasant.

This list feels awfully incomplete without beloved woke band PWR BTTM.

Vice really did embrace toothless and bland with an uncanny speed.

That is something you felt the need to share, yes.

He drew it. Flaming Carrot guy wrote one of them, which would explain some things, and Steve Purcell apparently wrote the other.

While I understand the sentiment, Fast and the Furious does not seem like the place to make that stand. She going to talk about Family a couple of extra times? They're great action movies but seriously.

She's probably too expensive now.

Not quite as directly satirical. More offbeat.

There was a very strange version of Gumby put out by Comico and drawn by Art Adams that I have no idea who the target market was for.

Well, they once babysat them for that very reason.