Son of Now See Here

See that's what I'm getting at though. 'Not Trump' is perhaps not a standard we should use for who we're okay with.

At some point critics removed 'funny' as an important element of comedy and it really does show on the most acclaimed stuff.. Comedy built around thoughtfully nodding your head.

A robot that serial killed other robots because they'd taken his head because it had a laser cannon on it. So he went around attacking other large robots and ripping off their heads because he wanted his old head back.

I perfectly understand. I was making a joke. But I also agree in that a lot of #resistance stuff does tend to give an uncomfortable degree of respectability in regards to some purveyors of every day sort of evils or positioning them as somehow unique to Trump.

No. While it certainly plays a part She's compared to Thatcher because of her number of similarities both in terms of political positions and educational background. Also because she has both praised Thatcher and obliquely made the comparison herself.

I am fully aware of the African American community's feelings on the German Chancellor. You don't need to tell me.

Is this a positive development? It is the sort of thing that makes him more presidential apparently.

Let's stop being nice about Merkel. She's not good. She's a borderline Thatcherite with some ideas that wouldn't put her that far outside the Republican Party and whose demands for austerity have done more real damage than Trump has managed to do so far.

Yeah. They're well past the threshold were that shit is just going be at worst a lovable quirk.

The early 90's were very much the 80's. it was't really the 90's until maybe 92.

Those are some awfully attractive children.

It's a school of writing that has begun to shit me to a massive degree.

Astroboy was kind of fucked up. But I worked that out as a kid.

He did murder Bob Hoskins while being a particularly Irish Irishman.

Jen Kirkman has gone insane.

It frankly has. The issue is mostly is that it doesn't matter to people whether it's true, (and yeah there's something but it's probably going the most penny ante bullshit because it's Trump) or not because it's not the truth of it matters. It's popular because it's both a magic incantation and an excuse. It'll just

Like you weren't going anyway. This way just avoids the middleman.

I'm going to die how I lived. Making crude death traps in a secluded location surrounded by gold bullion.

That doesn't seem right at all.

Fuck you humorless fucks. When I die I'm putting what's left of my vast fortune that wasn't spent on building a hidden trap filled bunker in a hidden trap filled bunker in a trap filled bunker somewhere and telling people to go nuts.