Son of Now See Here

That's pretty much just a russian roast with a funny name.

Did something happen with beloved Woke band PWR BTTM?

Well, that's the rub. The assumption of the moral as the core aesthetic, which is kind of a prevailing theme in a lot of recent pop culture criticism. There's an implication that the art in question shouldn't be teaching 'bad' lessons.

Which is my point, yes.

Ehn. We decided we were going to spend a a few months scourging comedians for saying things we don't like a while back and rather than saying 'This is kind of stupid and we are collectively being humorless assholes and also maybe we aren't the only ones who are going to get to do this' we kept going. So this is what

But it's an argument that has an end point of Victorian Style Improving Books That Teach Important Christian Morals.

Revenge is awesome.

Her demands for brutal austerity are just one of those things we should perhaps be less okay with.

Never say Speculum again.

Michael Winner's naked sadism and weird misanthropy is the best part of Death Wish 3 goddamit.

On the other hand aggressively endorsed policies that created an environment that got actual honest to goodness don't even hide it Nazi's in Greece elected.

This is a Carlin bit, goddamit.

The modern gun!

I saw an extraordinary amount of promo stuff of Hemsworth running around with a gun in Blackhat.

That's worse.

I am so comically bad at that game.

I'm finishing off the last bits of pre-expansion stuff for FFXIV. Putting together a Samurai set and finishing up the last of my crafting and Zhloe.

I'm just going to give a pained sigh at this point.

But so many of the others did not. It was so very sad and strange. Your inspiration had boobs in it. WHERE ARE YOUR BOOBS?

This is exactly why this piece is kind of rubbing me the wrong way beyond the broader tendency to make pop culture a touch too central in the political conversation.