Son of Now See Here

Say what you will, it's no PWR BTTM.


They are pretty fun books.

My point still stands!

It really became apparent to me when I saw Tomcats, because yeah I saw Tomcats, and realised that for a kinda raunchy movie there was not a single moment of female nudity.

I didn't until now.

Well, let's be honest.

This is also Walking Dead with vampires.

The Passage?

If there is one thing I've learnt it's that old people love depressing murderrape.

I never understood why Benzino felt the need to take another swing after what happened to him the first time.

We're all in PWR BTTM now.

What about Guardian Thinkpiecers? That seems like a series of assaults we should all be able to get behind.

I haven't looked into it lately but I mostly remember the time they didn't actually have a government for 6 months. It really is amazing how much the inertia of being a comfortably middle class country will prevent you breaking out into a series of violent ethnic coups.

Half of Belgium hates the other half of Belgium. They barely even have a functioning government and have spent lengthy periods in the past ten years without one.

I saw this and thought 'Well, that's pretty much Scalped fucked'

I am honestly willing to give most of that something of a slide but with the scandinavian countries there's kind of a very direct line that makes me go hrm.

They should look a bit more than sheepish. Swedish prosperity is built off a very real way from supplying material support to the Nazi's during WW2 in a way that extended the war by at the very least months.

Yeah. I mean you got the Phillipenes, Russia, Turkey, Japan sometime in the next six months….

The issue is the lesson that can be drawn from Norway and Sweden is 'Side with the Nazi's, be really white and you'll do pretty well out of it for a really long ass time.'